Returns a list of components that are monitored by the RMS. Components are monitored objects within a server. Replication Server components are connections, logical connections, routes, queues, and partitions; Adaptive Server Enterprise components are RepAgent threads.
get {connections | logical connections | routes | queues | partitions | repagents} for server_name [,component_name ]...
Returns the specified type of component monitored by the RMS. For example, returns all connections in a specified Replication Server monitored by the RMS.
Specifies the server that contains the requested components. If the server does not contain any of the requested components, get component returns an empty result set.
Specifies a specific component or list of components to return. Components are monitored objects within a server. Replication Server components include connections, logical connections, routes, queues, and partitions. Adaptive Server Enterprise components are RepAgent threads.
Returns a list of all connections being monitored by the RMS in the Replication Server INVENTORY_RS:
get connections for INVENTORY_RS
Returns a list of all RepAgent threads being monitored by the RMS in the Adaptive Server Enterprise server called INVENTORY_PDS:
get repagents for INVENTORY_PDS
Returns the information for the route named “inventory_rs.euro_sales” for the Replication Server INVENTORY_RS:
get routes for INVENTORY_RS, inventory_rs.euro_sales
Components monitored by a remote RMS are also returned by this command.
get connections supports retrieving connections that are associated with a data server or a Replication Agent process. It supports servers other than a Replication Server:
ASE – get connections returns the connection information for each database in the ASE. The RMS searches all of the Replication Servers in the RMS looking for connections named ASE_name.database.
Replication Agent/MRA – get connections returns the information for the primary connection associated with the Replication Agent. The name of the connection associated with the Replication Agent or MRA is stored in the configuration parameters rs_source_ds and rs_source_db. get connections searches all of the Replication Servers in the RMS to find the connection.
dbltm – get connections returns the information for the primary connection associated with the dbltm. The connection information for the dbltm is optionally provided when the server is added to the environment. If the information is not available, get connections returns an empty result set and writes a warning message to the RMS log indicating the information is missing.
DirectConnect – get connections returns the information of all of the connections where the data server matches the name of the DirectConnect server.
ASA/IQ – get connections returns the information where the data server matches the name of the ASA or IQ server. ASA or IQ server does not use database names.
If the specified server is not monitored by the RMS, the get component command returns an error message.
get component returns the following result set (some results vary by component type):
Column |
Description |
Server |
The name of the server that contains the components. |
Name |
The name of the component. |
Type |
The type of the component (connection, route, queue, RepAgent). |
Last Monitored |
A timestamp indicating that last time the component was monitored by the RMS. The timestamp is in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS. |
State |
The description that defines the state of the component. |
State Constant |
The integer constant that defines the state of the component. See Appendix C, “RMS Server and Component States” for state information. |
Description |
The reason string that describes the state of the component. |
More Descriptions |
Indicates whether additional information is available. If true, then the status of the component contains multiple descriptions. Use the get status descriptions command to retrieve a list of all descriptions for the component. |
Intermediate RepServer |
Identifies the intermediate site for the route. Intermediate RepServer should be blank if the route is a direct route |
Queue Number |
The queue number. |
Queue Type |
The queue type. |
Size column |
The queue size. |
configure component, get status descriptions, get servers, resume component, suspend component