Character sets directory structure

Figure 7-3 shows the directory structure for the Western European character sets that come with Adaptive Server. There is a separate subdirectory for each character set in the charsets directory. Within the subdirectory for each character set (for example, cp850) are the character set and sort order definition files and terminal-specific files.

If you load additional character sets, they will also appear in the charsets directory:

Figure 7-3: Structure of the charsets directory

The following global variables contain information about character sets:


Contains 0 if character set conversion is not in effect. Contains 1 if character set conversion is in effect.


The client’s character set name. Set to NULL if client character set has never been initialized; otherwise, it contains the name of the character set for the connection.


The client’s character set ID. Set to -1 if client character set has never been initialized; otherwise, it contains the client character set ID from syscharsets for the connection.


The maximum length, in bytes, of a character in Adaptive Server’s default character set.

@@ncharsize or @@charsize

The maximum length, in bytes, of a character set in the current server default character set.


Equals 2.