The tape handling options, which appear in the with clause, apply to all devices used for the dump or load. They include:
nodismount to keep the tape available for additional dumps or loads
unload to rewind and unload the tape following the dump or load
retaindays to protect files from being overwritten
init to reinitialize the tape rather than appending the dump files after the last end-of-tape mark
Table 28-16 shows the syntax for tape handling options.
Backing up a database or log |
Loading a database or log |
dump {database | tran} database_name to [compress::[compression_level::]] stripe_device [at server_name] [density = density, blocksize = number_bytes, capacity = number_kilobytes, dumpvolume = volume_name, file = file_name] [stripe on [compress::[compression_level::]] stripe_device [at server_name] [density = density, blocksize = number_bytes, capacity = number_kilobytes, dumpvolume = volume_name, file = file_name] ...] [with{ density = density, blocksize = number_bytes, capacity = number_kilobytes, dumpvolume = volume_name, file = file_name, |
load {database | tran} database_name from [compress::]stripe_device [at server_name] [density = density, dumpvolume = volume_name file = file_name] [compress::]stripe_device [at server_name] [density = density, dumpvolume = volume_name, file = file_name] ...] [with{ density = density, dumpvolume = volume_name, file = file_name, |
Tape Handling Options |
[nodismount | dismount], [nounload | unload], retaindays = number_days, [noinit | init], |
nodismount | dismount], [nounload | unload], |
[notify = {client | operator_console}] standby_access}] |
[notify = {client | operator_console}] |