Specifying tape density, block size, and capacity

In most cases, the Backup Server uses a default tape density and block size that are optimal for your operating system; we recommend that you use them.

You can specify a density, block size, and capacity for each dump device. You can also specify the density, blocksize, and capacity options in the with clause for all dump devices. Characteristics that are specified for an individual tape device take precedence over those that you specify using the with clause.

Table 28-8 shows the syntax for specifying the tape density, block size, and capacity.

Table 28-8: Specifying tape density, block size, and capacity

Backing up a database or log

Loading a database or log

dump {database | tran} database_name
to [compress::[compression_
level::]] stripe_device
[at server_name]
load {database | tran} database_name 
from [compress::]stripe_device
[at server_name]

Characteristics of a single tape device

[density = density,
blocksize = number_bytes,
capacity = number_kilobytes,
[density = density,
dumpvolume = volume_name,
file = file_name]
[stripe on [compress::[compression_
level::]] stripe_device
[at server_name]
[density = density,
blocksize = number_bytes,
capacity = number_kilobytes,
dumpvolume = volume_name,
file = file_name] ...]
dumpvolume = volume_name,
file = file_name]
[stripe on [compress::]stripe_device
[at server_name]
[density = density,
dumpvolume = volume_name, 
file = file_name] ...]

Characteristics of all dump devices

density = density,
blocksize = number_bytes,
capacity = number_kilobytes,
density = density,
dumpvolume = volume_name,
file = file_name,
[nodismount | dismount],
[nounload | unload],
retaindays = number_days,
[noinit | init],
[notify = {client | operator_console}]
dumpvolume = volume_name,
file = file_name,
[nodismount | dismount],
[nounload | unload],
[notify = {client | operator_console}]

The following sections provide greater detail about the density, blocksize, and capacity options.