Locking and unlocking logins and roles

A login or role can be locked when:

StepsLocking and unlocking logins

  1. The System Security Officer can use sp_locklogin to lock or unlock a login manually. (This is not new functionality, but is mentioned here for comparison to the new methods available for locking and unlocking roles.)

    For example:

    sp_locklogin "joe" , "lock"
    sp_locklogin "joe" , "unlock"

    Information about the lock status of a login is stored in the status column of syslogins.

    For details on the syntax and rules for using sp_locklogin, see sp_locklogin.

StepsLocking and unlocking roles

  1. The System Security Officer can use alter role to lock or unlock a role manually.

    For example:

    alter role physician_role lock
    alter role physician_role unlock

    Information about the lock status of a role is stored in the status column of syssrvroles.

    For details on the syntax and rules for using lock and unlock, see alter role.

StepsUnlocking logins and roles at server start-up

  1. Automatic login lockouts can cause a site to end up in a situation in which all accounts capable of unlocking logins (System Administrators and System Security Officers) are locked. In these situations, use the -u flag with the dataserver utility to unlock a specific login or role when you start Adaptive Server.

    For details on the syntax and rules for using the -u flag, see the Utility Guide.