Displaying password information

This section discusses displaying password information for logins and roles.

StepsDisplaying password information for specific logins

  1. Use sp_displaylogin to display the password settings for a login.

    This example displays information about the login joe:

    sp_displaylogin joe
    Suid: 2
    Loginame: joe
    Fullname: Joseph Resu
    Default Database: master
    Default Language: 
    Configured Authorization: intern_role (default OFF)
    Locked: NO
    Date of Last Password Change: Nov 24 1997  3:35PM
    Password expiration interval : 5
    Password expired : NO
    Minimum password length:4
    Maximum failed logins : 10
    Current failed logins : 3

    For details on the syntax and rules, see sp_displaylogin.

StepsDisplaying password information for specific roles

  1. Use sp_displayroles to display the password settings for a role.

    This example displays information about the physician_role role:

    sp_displayroles physician_role, "display_info"
    Role name = physician_role
    Locked : NO
    Date of Last Password Change : Nov 24 1997  3:35PM
    Password expiration interval = 5
    Password expired : NO
    Minimum password length = 4
    Maximum failed logins = 10
    Current failed logins = 3

    For details on the syntax and rules, see sp_displayroles.