You can use certain Transact-SQL commands in Java methods called within the SQL system. Table 8-1 lists Transact-SQL commands and whether or not you can use them in Java methods. You can find further information on most of these commands in the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Reference Manual.
Command |
Status |
alter database |
Not supported. |
alter role |
Not supported. |
alter table |
Supported. |
begin ... end |
Supported. |
begin transaction |
Not supported. |
break |
Supported. |
case |
Supported. |
checkpoint |
Not supported. |
commit |
Not supported. |
compute |
Not supported. |
connect - disconnect |
Not supported. |
continue |
Supported. |
create database |
Not supported. |
create default |
Not supported. |
create existing table |
Not supported. |
create function |
Supported. |
create index |
Not supported. |
create procedure |
Not supported. |
create role |
Not supported. |
create rule |
Not supported. |
create schema |
Not supported. |
create table |
Supported. |
create trigger |
Not supported. |
create view |
Not supported. |
cursors |
Not supported. Only “server cursors” are supported, that is, cursors that are declared and used within a stored procedure. |
dbcc |
Not supported. |
declare |
Supported. |
disk init |
Not supported. |
disk mirror |
Not supported. |
disk refit |
Not supported. |
disk reinit |
Not supported. |
disk remirror |
Not supported. |
disk unmirror |
Not supported. |
drop database |
Not supported. |
drop default |
Not supported. |
drop function |
Supported. |
drop index |
Not supported. |
drop procedure |
Not supported. |
drop role |
Not supported. |
drop rule |
Not supported. |
drop table |
Supported. |
drop trigger |
Not supported. |
drop view |
Not supported. |
dump database |
Not supported. |
dump transaction |
Not supported. |
execute |
Supported. |
goto |
Supported. |
grant |
Not supported. |
group by and having clauses |
Supported. |
if…else |
Supported. |
insert table |
Supported. |
kill |
Not supported. |
load database |
Not supported. |
load transaction |
Not supported. |
online database |
Not supported. |
order by Clause |
Supported. |
prepare transaction |
Not supported. |
Not supported. |
raiserror |
Supported. |
readtext |
Not supported. |
return |
Supported. |
revoke |
Not supported. |
rollback trigger |
Not supported. |
rollback |
Not supported. |
save transaction |
Not supported. |
set |
See Table 12-2 for set options. |
setuser |
Not supported. |
shutdown |
Not supported. |
truncate table |
Supported. |
union Operator |
Supported. |
update statistics |
Not supported. |
update |
Supported. |
use |
Not supported. |
waitfor |
Supported. |
where Clause |
Supported. |
while |
Supported. |
writetext |
Not supported. |
Table 8-2 lists set command options and whether or not you can use them in Java methods.
set command option |
Status |
ansinull |
Supported. |
ansi_permissions |
Supported. |
arithabort |
Supported. |
arithignore |
Supported. |
chained |
Not supported. See Note 1. |
char_convert |
Not supported. |
cis_rpc_handling |
Not supported |
close on endtran |
Not supported |
cursor rows |
Not supported |
datefirst |
Supported |
dateformat |
Supported |
fipsflagger |
Not supported |
flushmessage |
Not supported |
forceplan |
Supported |
identity_insert |
Supported |
language |
Not supported |
lock |
Supported |
nocount |
Supported |
noexec |
Not supported |
offsets |
Not supported |
or_strategy |
Supported |
parallel_degree |
Supported. See Note 2. |
parseonly |
Not supported |
prefetch |
Supported |
process_limit_action |
Supported. See Note 2. |
procid |
Not supported |
proxy |
Not supported |
quoted_identifier |
Supported |
replication |
Not supported |
role |
Not supported |
rowcount |
Supported |
scan_parallel_degree |
Supported. See Note2. |
self_recursion |
Supported |
session_authorization |
Not supported |
showplan |
Supported |
sort_resources |
Not supported |
statistics io |
Not supported |
statistics subquerycache |
Not supported |
statistics time |
Not supported |
string_rtruncation |
Supported |
stringsize |
Supported |
table count |
Supported |
textsize |
Not supported |
transaction iso level |
Not supported. See Note 1. |
transactional_rpc |
Not supported |