Perform these steps to configure Adaptive Server resource groups on Sun Cluster 3.0:
Modify the Adaptive Server resource type registration file SY.ase. This file is located in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/SC-3_0/etc/. Find the line for resource type property, RT_BASEDIR, which specifies the location of the Adaptive Server HA agent. Change the value to point to the installation location of $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/SC-3_0/bin.
For example:
You cannot use environment variables in SY.ase.
Use the full path for this value. Substitute the value for SYBASE, SYBASE_ASE in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/SC-3_0/bin.
Create or edit a file that contains Adaptive Server login information for system administrator and the user you added for the fault monitor. The default file is $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/SC-3_0/etc/ase_login_file.
If you use another file at a different location, specify the full path for the resource extension property Dataserver_login_file when configuring the SY.ase resource. The file consists of two lines. The first line is for the login and password, the second line is for the monitor user login and password.
login_type <tab> login string login_type <tab> login_string
The only valid value for login type is normal. Values for login string are in the form login-name/password. An example of $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/SC-3_0/etc/ase_login_file follows:
normal <tab> sa/sa-password normal <tab> ase_monitor_user/ase_monitor_user_password
The ase_login_file should
be protected. After editing the file with the proper values, make
the file readable only to the root user. Perform
the following:
chmod 400 ase_login_file
chown root ase_login_file
chgrp sys ase_login_file
Create or edit the sysc_input_file and run the following syscadm command, it registers the resource type, creates the resource group, adds resources to the resource group, and establishes resource dependencies.
For example, to run the syscadm script with an input file named sysc_input_file:
syscadm -c both -f sysc_input_file
For more information on the syscadm script, see “The syscadm script”.
You can also run these steps manually. See “Configuring the resource groups manually” for more information.
For a list of the extension properties see Table 11-1.
For the primary Adaptive Server resource group, run the scswitch command to complete the following tasks:
Move the resource group to managed state.
Enable all resources and their monitors.
Bring the resource group online on the primary node:
scswitch -Z -g resource_group_name
For example:
scswitch -Z -g rg_MONEY1
For the secondary Adaptive Server resource group, run scswitch command to complete the following tasks:
Move the resource group to managed state.
Enable all resources and their monitors.
Bring the resource group online on the secondary node, that is the primary node of the secondary companion resource group.
scswitch -Z -g resource_group_name
For example:
scswitch -Z -g rg_PERSONNEL1