Use the syscadm script to configure and administer Adaptive Server resource groups and their associated resources in Sun Cluster 3.0. You can use syscadm to create, remove, and unmanage the Adaptive Server resource group and its resources for both active-active and active-passive configurations. The syscadm script is located in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/SC-3_0/bin/.
The create option of the script:
Registers required resource types with the Resource Group Manager
For each specified resource group, creates the resource group, creates the specified resources and adds them to the resource group
Establishes resource dependencies for Adaptive Server resource on the storage and logical host resources
The remove option in the script removes specified resource groups and their resources.
The unmanage option:
Disables all the resources in the resource group
Brings the resource group to an offline state
Then brings the resource group to the unmanaged state
You must be logged in as root to
run the syscadm script.
The syscadm script works with an input file called sysc_input_file, which you edit to provide the correct input values for syscadm for your configuration. The sysc_input_file is located in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/SC-3_0/etc/.
Make sure the file is not tampered with when you finish
editing the sysc_input_file.
If erroneous values are included in this file, they may affect your
installation. You can change the permissions on this file so only
system administrators can edit it.
When editing the sysc_input_file, make sure that:
There are no spaces around “=
” in
the “<name>=<value>
” entries.
Comments start with #.
Names ending with 1 correspond to the primary.
Names ending with 2 correspond to the secondary.
See “Sample sysc_input_file” for a sample of the sysc_input_file.
The input file is divided into three sections.
Section 1 – Enter the right-side values for all entries. This section includes entries for the Adaptive Server installation directory, the high availability setup, the Dataserver name, the Nodelist, and so on.
Section 2 – Enter right-side values for the required entries. For example, if you are using only SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource, you must enter values for SUNW.HAStoragePlus related entries. Do not enter values for the entries you are not using.
Section 3 – All the entries in this section are assigned default values. You do not need to provide the right-side values unless you want to override the defaults.
For example, to edit the file for the Adaptive Server resource name, change this line:
Or, to specify the RUN_SERVER file and to set Debug_callback flag, change the entry for OTHER_PROPERTIES, whose value is a space separated list of <name>=<value> strings, to:
OTHER_PROPERTIES="RUN_server_file=/mypath/RUN_my_ase Debug_callback=TRUE"
The syntax for syscadm is:
syscadm [-v] -c|r|u [primary|secondary|both] -f <sysc_input_file> syscadm [-v] -r|u <rg1,rg2,...> [-t <ASE_resource_type>]
where -c creates resource groups, -r removes resource groups, -u un-manages the resource groups, -f specifies the input file, -v is verbose (shows the Sun Cluster commands as they are being run), -t specifies the Adaptive Server resource type name, if it is not SY.ase (useful for -r and -u commands when the input file is not specified).
SUNW.HAStoragePlus resources are created
with AffinityOn=True
For the active-passive configuration, only primary should
be used with
-c option to create the Adaptive Server resource