You can also run the Monitor Client GUI as a standalone Java application. This can be done only on Windows platforms. Follow the instructions below to do this. You may want to create a batch file for these steps.
Running Monitor Client GUI as a standalone Java
You must have a copy of the version 1.1.8 Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on your system.
You must have the following Monitor Client GUI files installed on your system:
The Adaptive Servers and Monitor Server must have entries in your local sql.ini file.
Any Adaptive Server you want to monitor must have a Monitor Server running.
From the command line or within a batch file:
Set JAVA_HOME to the JRE 1.1.8 directory.
Set PATH to %JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%.
Set your CLASSPATH to include the following files:
DRIVENAME is the drive letter for the drive on which your files are installed.
PATHNAME is the directory within which the files are located.
Execute the Monitor Client application in the Java Virtual Machine by issuing the following command:
jre sybase.monclt.mcgui.procact.ProcActApp SQL_SERVER_NAME 12.5 MS_SERVER_NAME sa "" en 0 scssen.hlp
SQL_SERVER_NAME is the name of the Adaptive Server you want to monitor in your sql.ini file.
MS_SERVER_NAME is the name of the Monitor Server for this Adaptive Server in your sql.ini file.
Use the options on the Monitor Client File menu to select monitoring values you want to display.