Creating and verifying the subscription

A subscription instructs Replication Server to copy data from the primary table to the specified RepConnector connection. The subscription describes the replicated information that RepConnector can accept.

The following procedure describes how to create and then validate a subscription. You must verify that the subscription is valid both at the primary table and at the RepConnector connection.

StepsCreating and validating the subscription at Replication Server

Create the subscription using the RepConnector connection name as the parameter value for the with replicate at command. This is the name of the connection you created in the previous section.

All values in the following procedure refer to the worksheet entries in Appendix A, “Configuration Worksheets.”

  1. Gather the following and record it on your worksheet where appropriate:

  2. Create the database subscription using the create subscription command:

    create subscription <subscription_name>
    for <replication_definition_name>
    with replicate at <dataserver>.<database>
    without materialization


    For example:

    create subscription authors_sub
    for authors_rep
    with replicate at RepConnector.RepCondb
    without materialization
  3. Use the check subscription command to verify that the subscription is valid at the primary database and at the replicate database:

    check subscription <subscription_name>
    for <replication_definition_name>
    with replicate at <dataserver>.<database>


    For example:

    check subscription authors_sub
    for authors_rep
    with replicate at RepConnector.RepCondb