Creating the connection to RepConnector

A data connection defines the information that Replication Server uses to connect to RepConnector for replicating data. The following procedure adds the RepConnector connection to the replication system and sets the configuration parameters for the connection.

NoteThe worksheet referred to in the following procedures is in Appendix A, “Configuration Worksheets.”

Before creating the connection

Before you can create the connection, you must gather the following information:

StepsCreating a new RepConnector connection in Replication Server

  1. Using the isql utility, log in to the Replication Server with the user ID that has System Administrator permission:

    isql -U <username> -P <pwd> -S <server_name>


  2. Using the create connection command, create the connection, and define the user ID and password for the RepConnector connection:

                 create connection to <dataserver>.<database>
                 set error class to rs_sqlserver_error_class
                 set function string class to rs_sqlserver_function_class
                 set username <dsi_username>
                 set password <dsi_password>
                 set batch to 'off'
                 set dsi_xact_group_size to '-1'
                 with dsi_suspended


NoteRepConnector does not support the batching of commands in Replication Server. Therefore, you must set the batch and dsi_xact_group_size parameters to disable batching of commands for the connection to RepConnector. If you have already created the connection, you can use the configure connection and alter connection commands to set the batch and dsi_xact_group_size parameters. See the Replication Server Reference Manual for the exact syntax of the configure connection and alter connection commands.

For example:

create connection to RepConnector.RepCondb
set error class to rs_sqlserver_error_class
set function string class to
set username sa
set batch to 'off'
set dsi_xact_group_size to '-1'
with dsi_suspended