[CR #333614] Before Adaptive Server version 12.5.1, the utf8 character set could be used only with the binary sort order. However, Adaptive Server release 12.5.1 supports non-binary sort orders with the utf8 character set.
If you use utf8 and then configure an external sort order (see Table 3), you cannot reconfigure Adaptive Server with another character set without first reverting to the binary sort order with utf8. After reverting to binary sort order (which has an ID of 50), you can then safely change to any other character set.
If you change the character set without first going to the binary sort order with utf8, recovery of the master database hangs and Adaptive Server displays error message 1569:
Unable to get a conversion handler for the built-in sort function.
If this occurs, you must download and start Adaptive Server version 12.5.1 ESD #1 or later to successfully bring up a server (see the Sybase Web site for information about downloading Adaptive Server ESDs). Check with Sybase support for the availability of Adaptive Server version 12.5.1 ESD #1.
Alternatively, you can re-create the master device and load from database dumps.
Table 3 lists the external sort orders for utf8 and their IDs.
Sort order |
Sort order ID |
big5bin |
194 |
cp932bin |
192 |
cyrdict |
140 |
eucjisbn |
192 |
euckscbn |
161 |
gb2312bn |
137 |
gbpinyinbn |
163 |
rusdict |
165 |
sjisbin |
179 |
$SYBASE/collate/unicode also lists the sort orders and their IDs