
After successfully executing the runproducer script, verify that Adaptive Server Enterprise Web Services is enabled and that the Web Services Producer component is running.

StepsVerifying that Adaptive Server Enterprise Web Services is enabled

To verify that Adaptive Server Enterprise Web Services is enabled:

  1. Execute the following command on Adaptive Server Enterprise:

    sp_configure ’enable webservices’

    If Adaptive Server Enterprise Web Services is enabled, an informational message indicating this is added to the producer.log file. If Adaptive Server Enterprise Web Services is not enabled, a warning message indicating this is added to the producer.log file.

StepsVerifying that the Web Services Producer component is running

To verify that the Web Services Producer component is running:

  1. Enter the following URL in the location window of your browser:



    If you are using SSL, use a URL like the following:



    A browser error indicates that the Web Services Producer component is not running.