To stop the Web Services Producer component for Adaptive Server Enterprise Web Services, execute the stopproducer script, which can be found in the bin directory:
stopproducer -U <ase_username> -P <ase_password> -S <ase_service_name> -f <property_file>
ase_username is the user name for the Adaptive Server Enterprise. There is no default for this parameter value. If you do not supply a value for this parameter, you will be prompted for one.
ase_password is the password for the Adaptive Server Enterprise. There is no default for this parameter value. If you do not supply a value for this parameter, you will be prompted for one.
ase_service_name is the name of the Web service. There is no default for this parameter value. If you do not supply a value for this parameter, you will be prompted for one.
property_file is the location and name of the properties file to update. The default location for UNIX is $SYBASE/WS-12_5/props/, or %SYBASE%\WS-12_5\props\ for Windows.