

Configures and administers messaging-related information.


sp_msgadmin 'default', 'login', provider_name, provider_login,
sp_msgadmin 'help'[, 'list' | 'register' | 'default' | 'remove']
sp_msgadmin 'list', [| 'login'[, provider_name, [login_name] 
	| 'provider' [, provider_name]
	| 'subscription' [, subscription_name]]
sp_msgadmin 'register', 
	['provider', provider_name, provider_class,
	| 'login', provider_name, local_login, provider_login,
		provider_password [, role_name] 
	| 'subscription', subscription_name, endpoint[, selector 
		[, delivery_option [, durable_name, client_id]]]]
	| ['publisher', publisher_name, endpoint, topic
		[, broker_queue[, request_queue[, options]]]
sp_msgadmin 'remove', 
	['provider', provider_name 
	| 'login', provider_name, local_login [, role] 
	| 'subscription', subscription_name



is the identification used by the messaging provider to identify the subscription as durable. client_id is a character string value. If you specify either client_id or durable_name, you must also specify the other, and the subscription is a durable subscription. Otherwise, it is a nondurable subscription.

The client_id and durable_name combination identifies durable subscriptions with the message provider, and must be unique. No two subscriptions can have the same client_id and durable_name.

client_id uniqueness extends across the messaging provider. JMS allows a particular client_id to be connected only once at any given time. For instance, if one application already has a durable subscription using a specified client_id, the client_id specified by another application cannot be the same if the applications are to be connected at the same time.

A durable subscription exists even when the client is not connected. The messaging provider saves messages that arrive even while the client is not connected.

A nondurable subscription exists only while the client is connected. The messaging provider discards messages that arrive while the client is not connected.


specifies a default. In the case of sp_msgadmin 'list', lists the syntax to specify the default login for a specified message provider.

NoteYou cannot use sp_msgadmin 'default', 'login' if endpoint is an MQ queue manager.


species whether a SQL session can consume messages that it publishes. Valid values are:


is a character string value. See the description of client_id.


is the topic to which the subscription is addressed. See the description of endpoint in msgsend.


provides syntax information about this stored procedure or about particular parameters.


lists syntax information about message providers, logins, or subscriptions.


is an Adaptive Server login that maps to the local login.


lists information about a particular messaging provider login mapping or about all messaging provider logins. When used with:


is a login name.


is the URL of the messaging provider you are registering.


specifies the message provider. When used with:


is the class of the messaging provider you are adding. Valid values are:


is the login name of the messaging provider that local_login maps to when connecting to the message provider. It is also the login the provider uses as the default login when sending or receiving messages from the messaging provider specified by provider_name when using sp_msgadmin 'default'.


is an alias referring to the messaging provider you are adding, which can be as many as 30 characters in length. In the case of sp_msgadmin 'register', 'provider', provider_name is an alias for messaging_provider. In the case of sp_msgadmin 'register', 'login', provider_name is the name of a previously registered provider.


is the messaging provider password of the provider_login.


provides stored procedure syntax to register a message provider, login, or subscription.

NoteYou cannot use sp_msgadmin 'register', 'login' or sp_msgadmin 'register', 'subscription' if endpoint is an MQ queue manager.


lists the stored procedure syntax to remove a message provider, login, or subscription.


is a SQL role name. If you specify a role_name, the local_login is ignored, and the provider_login and provider_password apply to the role_name.


is a message filter that allows a client to select messages of interest. See the description of filters in msgrecv.


lists information about a particular subscription or about all subscriptions. Specifies the message provider. When used with:


is a subscription name.


Example 1

MQ – registers the “mq_provider_1” messaging provider, which has a class of IBM_MQ and a URL of chanl1/TCP/host1(5678):

sp_msgadmin 'register', 'provider', 'mq_provider_1', 'ibm_mq', 

Example 2

TIBCO JMS – specifies the default login that applies to all unmapped Adaptive Server logins, when using a specified messaging provider for either sending or receiving:

sp_msgadmin 'default', 'login', 'my_jms_provider', 'jms_user1', 

NoteYou must first register the provider_name by calling sp_msgadmin 'register', 'provider'.

Example 3

TIBCO JMS – specifies the default login:

sp_msgadmin 'default', 'login', 'one_jms_provider', 'loginsa', 

Example 4

TIBCO JMS – describes the syntax for sp_msgadmin 'list':

sp_msgadmin 'help', 'list'

Example 5

TIBCO JMS – checks the default login:

sp_msgadmin 'list', 'login', 'my_jms_provider'

Example 6

TIBCO JMS – lists the details for the user with a login of “loginsa”:

sp_msgadmin 'list', 'login', 'my_jms_provider', 'loginsa'

Example 7

TIBCO JMS – lists the details for the “my_jms_provider” message provider:

sp_msgadmin 'list', 'provider', 'my_jms_provider'

Example 8

TIBCO JMS – lists the details for subscription “subscription_1”:

sp_msgadmin 'list', 'subscription', 'subscription_1'

Example 9

TIBCO JMS – registers the login “ase_login1” using messaging provider login “jms_user1” and messaging provider name “my_jms_provider”:

sp_msgadmin 'register', 'login', 'my_jms_provider', 'ase_login1', 
    'jms_user1', 'jms_user1_password'

Example 10

TIBCO JMS – registers a login using the messaging provider login “jms_user1” and a specified password used for all unmapped Adaptive Server logins:

sp_msgadmin 'register', 'login', 'my_jms_provider', null, 'jms_user1',

Example 11

TIBCO JMS – registers a login with the messaging provider login “jms_user1” and a specified password used for all Adaptive Server logins that have sa_role permissions:

sp_msgadmin 'register', 'login', 'my_jms_provider', null, 'jms_user1', 
    'jms_user1_password', 'sa_role'

Example 12

TIBCO JMS – registers the “my_jms_provider” messaging provider, which has a class of TIBCO_JMS and an IP of as its address:

sp_msgadmin 'register', 'provider', 'my_jms_provider', 'TIBCO_JMS',

Example 13

TIBCO JMS – registers a durable subscription named “durable_sub1”, then sp_msgadmin 'list' displays information about the new subscription.

sp_msgadmin 'register', 'subscription', 'durable_sub1', 
    'my_jms_provider?topic=topic.sample', null, null, 'durable1', 'client1'
sp_msgadmin 'list', 'subscription', 'durable_sub1'

Example 14

TIBCO JMS – registers “subscription_1”, a nondurable subscription.

sp_msgadmin 'register', 'subscription', 'subscription_1',

NoteYou must first use sp_msgadmin register, provider to register “my_jms_provider”.

Example 15

TIBCO JMS – removes the default login:

sp_msgadmin 'remove', 'login', 'my_jms_provider'

Example 16

TIBCO JMS – removes the messaging provider “my_jms_provider”:

sp_msgadmin 'remove', 'provider', 'my_jms_provider'

Example 17

TIBCO JMS – removes the Adaptive Server login “ase_login1” associated with the messaging provider “my_jms_provider”:

sp_msgadmin 'remove', 'login', 'my_jms_provider', 'ase_login1'

Example 18

TIBCO JMS – removes the default login, indicated by a null login parameter:

sp_msgadmin 'remove', 'login', 'my_jms_provider', null

Example 19

TIBCO JMS – removes all logins for role sa_role on “my_jms_provider”:

sp_msgadmin 'remove', 'login', 'my_jms_provider', null, 'sa_role'

Example 20

TIBCO JMS – removes “subscription_1”:

sp_msgadmin 'remove', 'subscription', 'subscription_1'


You cannot use sp_msgadmin inside a transaction.

sp_msgadmin 'register'

sp_msgadmin 'remove'


You must have messaging_role to run the msgsend and msgrecv functions.

You must have messaging_role and sso_role permissions to issue:

Any user can issue: