There are several methods for getting and setting information about data in a graph in a DataWindowControl at runtime.
The methods listed in Table 8-1 get and set information about the data.
Method |
Information provided or set |
GetCategoryName |
The name of a category, given its number |
GetCategoryNumber |
The number of a category, given its name |
GetDataDateTime |
The value of a data point, given its series and position |
GetDataDouble |
The value of a data point, given its series and position |
GetDataStyle |
The color, fill pattern, and other visual properties of a specified data point |
GetSeriesDataCount |
The number of data points in a series |
GetSeriesName |
The name of a series, given its number |
GetSeriesNumber |
The number of a series, given its name |
GetSeriesStyle |
The color, fill pattern, and other visual properties of a specified series |
SetDataStyle |
The color, fill pattern, and other visual properties for a specific data point |
SetSeriesStyle |
The color, fill pattern, and other visual properties for a series |
You can also use properties to get information about the graph.
Property |
Information provided |
CategoryCount |
The number of categories in a graph |
Created |
Whether the graph has been created (drawn) |
GraphObjectUnderMouse |
The part of the graph that is under the mouse pointer |
SeriesCount |
The number of series in a graph |
Type |
The type of graph, using the GraphType enumeration |
The GraphObjectUnderMouse property uses the GraphObjectAtPointer structure to hold information about the part of the graph under the mouse. GraphObjectAtPointer has three fields:
The ObjectType field holds the type of object under the mouse pointer
The object is identified as a GraphObjectType enumerated value. For example, if the user hovers over or clicks on a data point, GraphObjectUnderMouse.objectType returns Data. If the user clicks on the graph’s title, GraphObjectUnderMouse.objectjType returns Title.
For a list of GraphObjectType values, see the DataWindow Reference Help.
The SeriesName field holds the name of the series under the mouse pointer
The DataPoint field holds the index number of the data point under the mouse pointer, or 0 if there is no datapoint under the pointer
This example uses the GraphObjectUnderMouse property to display a tooltip showing the part of the graph that is under the mouse as it hovers over the graph.
When you create a DataWindow object using the Graph presentation style, the graph is given the name graphdw1. If you insert a graph into a DataWindow of a different style, the default name for the graph is gr_1.
The example declares an instance of the GraphicObjectGraph object named gobGraph. Then it uses the DataWindowControl’s GetObjectByName method to get the type of gr_1 and convert it to a GraphicObjectGraph object assigned to gobGraph.
If the type of the graph object under the mouse is Category, the string displayed by the tooltip is “Category: ” followed by the category name for the current datapoint. If the type is a Series, the string displayed by the tooltip is “Series” followed by a colon and the name of the series. All graphs have at least one implicit series. When you create a graph with no explicit series, a series is created with an empty string as the series name.
If the type is Data, scatter graphs need to be handled differently, because they have no Category, and the X and Y coordinates are specified as X and Y values of the GraphAxis enumerated type. Other graph types always have a category.
The code is in the MouseMove event for a DataWindowControl.
[Visual Basic] Private Sub dw1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles dw1.MouseMove Dim gobGraph As Sybase.DataWindow.GraphicObjectGraph Dim s As String Dim xData As String Dim yData As String Dim seriesName As String Dim dataPoint As Integer Try gobGraph = CType(dw1.GetObjectByName("gr_1"), _ Sybase.DataWindow.GraphicObjectGraph) seriesName = _ gobGraph.GraphObjectUnderMouse.SeriesName dataPoint = gobGraph.GraphObjectUnderMouse.DataPoint s = _ gobGraph.GraphObjectUnderMouse.ObjectType.ToString Select Case s Case "Category" s = s + ": " + gobGraph.GetCategoryName(dataPoint) Case "Series" ' Check for explicit series If Trim(seriesName).Length > 0 Then s = s + ": " + seriesName End If Case "Data" ' scatter graphs have x, y and no category If gobGraph.Type = _ Sybase.DataWindow.GraphType.Scatter Then Try xData = gobGraph.GetDataDouble(seriesName, _ dataPoint, Sybase.DataWindow.GraphAxis.X) yData = gobGraph.GetDataDouble(seriesName, _ dataPoint, Sybase.DataWindow.GraphAxis.Y) If Trim(seriesName).Length > 0 Then s = "Series: " + seriesName End If s = s + " Value: (" + xData.ToString + "," _ + yData.ToString + ")" Catch s = s + " Value: <unavailable>" End Try Else ' every other graph type has a category at least s = "Category: " + _ gobGraph.GetCategoryName(dataPoint) ' Check for explicit series If Trim(seriesName).Length > 0 Then s = " Series: " + seriesName End If ' Axis values are either DateTime or Double. ' No method to determine datatype, so test for ' DateTime first. If not DateTime, throw an ' exception and handle as Double. Try s = s + " Value: " + _ CStr(gobGraph.GetDataDateTime(seriesName, _ dataPoint, Sybase.DataWindow.GraphAxis.Y)) Catch ex As Exception Try s = s + " Value: " + _ CStr(gobGraph.GetDataDouble(seriesName, & dataPoint, Sybase.DataWindow.GraphAxis.Y)) Catch ex2 As Exception s = s + " Value: <unavailable>" End Try End Try End If End Select ' turn off tool tip if not on interesting part of graph If s = "Graph" Then tipGraph.Active = False Else tipGraph.Active = True tipGraph.SetToolTip(dw1, s) End If Catch ex As Exception ' ignore tooltip if there is an exception ' (like no DataWindow object) End Try End Sub