DataWindow .NET provides two classes that support the connection between a DataWindow object and a database.
The Transaction class provides control of the transaction using Connect, Disconnect, Commit, and Rollback methods, and properties for specific parameters including the DBMS, database, user ID, and password.
The Transaction class does not export a public interface and can be used only with DataWindow objects. If you want to share a connection with other database constructs in your application, such as DataSet or Command objects, you can use an instance of the AdoTransaction class.
Like classes that inherit from the System.Data.IDbCommand interface, such as OdbcCommand and OleDbCommand, the AdoTransaction class has public properties that hold an ADO.NET connection and transaction. The Connection class represents a unique session with a data source.
Figure 5-1 shows the public properties and methods defined for the Transaction and AdoTransaction classes. The Transaction class inherits additional properties and methods from the System.ComponentModel.Component class, and it uses the DbmsType enumeration to provide the value for the DBMS used.
Figure 5-1: Transaction and AdoTransaction classes