You name a graph and define its basic properties in the General category in the graph's Properties window.
To specify the basic properties of a graph:
Select Properties from the graph's pop-up menu and then select the General category in the Properties window.
As you modify a graph's properties, DataWindow Designer updates the model graph shown in the Design view so that you can get an idea of the graph's basic layout:
DataWindow Designer uses the graph title and axis labels you specify.
DataWindow Designer uses sample data (not data from your DataWindow object) to illustrate series, categories, and values.
In Preview view, DataWindow Designer displays the graph with data.
The title displays at the top of the graph.
To specify a graph's title:
In the General properties category for the graph, enter a title in the Title property.
For information about specifying properties for the title text, see “Specifying text properties for titles, labels, axes, and legends”.
You can change the graph type at any time in the development environment (To change the type at runtime, modify a graph's GraphType property.)
To specify the graph type:
In the General properties category for the graph, select a graph type from the GraphType drop-down list.
A legend provides a key to your graph's series.
To include a legend for a series in a graph:
In the General properties category for the graph, specify where you want the legend to appear by selecting a value in the Legend drop-down list.
For information on specifying text properties for the legend, see “Specifying text properties for titles, labels, axes, and legends”.
If you are defining a 3D graph, you can specify the point of view that DataWindow Designer uses when displaying the graph.
To specify a 3D graph's point of view:
In the General properties category for the graph, adjust the point of view along the three dimensions of the graph:
To change the perspective, specify a number between 1 and 100. The larger the number, the smaller the graph appears. The default is 2.
To rotate the graph, specify a number between -90 and 90. The default is -20.
To change the elevation, specify a number between 1 and 100. The default is 20.
Define the depth of the graph (the percent the depth is of the width of the graph) by .specifying a number between 1 and 100. The default is 100.