This section contains error messages for distributed database network code.
Can’t open a connection to site ’%S_SRVID’ because there are no remote sites available. Rerun when there are fewer active remote sites, or contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.
The number of remote sites parameter (called remote sites in pre-11.0 releases) determines the number of site connection handlers that can be active at any one time. Site handlers maintain connections between Adaptive Servers, Backup Servers, and Open Server applications.
Error 7201 is raised if there are no site handlers available when the server attempts to open a connection to another server (named in the error text). This occurs when the number of remote entries in sysservers exceeds the number of remote sites. As an example, the error may be seen when you execute a dump command, since this requires communication with Backup Server, which in turn requires a site handler.
7201 errors are corrected by configuring sufficient remote sites.
Check the number of remote sites:
1> sp_configure "number of remote sites" 2> go
The Run Value in the output shows the number of remote sites that can access the server simultaneously.
Increase the value of number of remote sites as necessary. This is a static parameter, so you must shut down and restart the server if you change the value.
See “Managing Remote Servers” in the Security Administration Guide for more information.
All versions
Can't open a connection to site '%S_SRVID'. See the error log file in the Adaptive Server boot directory.
This error occurs when Adaptive Server is unable to execute a remote procedure call (RPC) on a remote Adaptive Server, Backup Server, or Open Server application.
In this writeup, “Server” is used
to indicate an Adaptive Server, Backup Server, or Open Server application.
To determine why this error is occurring, perform the following steps:
Check whether the remote Server is running by issuing an isql statement similar to the following:
% isql -Sname_of_remote_server
If you receive the following message:
Operating-system error: Invalid argument DB_LIBRARY error: Unable to connect: Adaptive Server is unavailable or does not exist.
then the remote Server may not be running. Log in to the remote Server machine and check whether the Server is running. If it is not running, start it.
Check whether you receive the following message after issuing the isql statement:
Operating-system error: No such file or directory DB_LIBRARY error: Could not open interface file.
If you do, this indicates that your SYBASE environment variable (for UNIX, OS/2 and Novell users) or your SYBASE logical name (for OpenVMS users) is not set to the correct directory.
The value of the SYBASE parameter has to be set to specify the full path name of the SYBASE home directory where the interfaces (or sql.ini) file can be found. The value of the SYBASE parameter specifies the device as well as the path for SYBASE home. If you move the SYBASE directory structure to a new device, make sure the device is included in the SYBASE environment variable string (UNIX, OS/2, and Novell) or in the SYBASE logical name string (OpenVMS).
Check the error log for both the sending Server and the receiving Server. If other errors exist, refer to the writeups in this manual for information about recovering from them.
If, after resolving any problems found in steps 1 and 2, you still get Error 7205, call Sybase Technical Support with the information listed below.
For more information about managing remote Adaptive Servers, refer to “Managing Remote Servers” in the Security Administration Guide.
Before calling Sybase Technical Support, have the following information ready:
Server version and SWR Rollup level
Server (and Backup Server if appropriate) error log for both the local and remote Servers
Operating system error log
sp_helpserver and sp_configure output
Contents of interfaces file
Text of all error messages
All versions
Can't open a connection to site '%S_SRVID' because there are no remote connections available. Rerun when there are fewer remote users and/or fewer local users making remote accesses, or contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.
This error occurs when Adaptive Server is unable to open a connection to a remote Adaptive Server, Backup Server, or Open Server application because no remote connections are available.
There may be too many local users with active remote connections. Your System Administrator may also need to configure the server to allow more remote connections.
Use the following query to check the remote connections currently in use:
1> use master 2> go
1> select count(*) from sysprocesses a, sysservers b 2> where a.hostname=b.srvname
Do one of the following to resolve the problem:
wait until some of the presently active connections shut down, then retry your query.
configure your Adaptive Server to allow more remote connections. The relevant configuration parameters are:
number of remote connections
number of remote logins
These are static parameters. You will need to restart Adaptive Server after changing the values.
Refer to the System Administration Guide for more information.
Note that each simultaneous connection to XP Server for extended stored procedure execution uses up to one remote connection each.
All versions
Can't open a connection to site '%S_SRVID' because 'set up channel' message was not acknowledged.
This error occurs when Adaptive Server is unable to execute a remote procedure call (RPC) on a remote Adaptive Server, Backup Server, or Open Server application because the remote Server did not acknowledge the connection message sent by the local Server.
One reason for this error is that the physical connection has died before a response was received. The transaction is then aborted.
It may also occur if two access attempts occur within such a short time frame that the first physical connection established has not yet timed out.
In this writeup, “Server” is used
to indicate an Adaptive Server, Backup Server, or Open Server application.
To find out why this error is occurring, perform the following steps:
When automatic timeouts are enabled, a timeout occurs when there is no activity for one minute. If you believe timeouts are occurring, consider disabling automatic timeouts by issuing the following command:
1> sp_serveroption server_name "timeouts", false 2> go
where server_name is the name of the Adaptive Server for which you are disabling automatic timeouts.
Check the error log for both the sending server and the receiving server. If other errors exist, refer to the writeups in this manual for information about recovering from them.
If, after resolving any problems found in steps 1 and 2, you still get Error 7211, call Sybase Technical Support.
For more information about managing remote Adaptive Servers, refer to “Managing Remote Servers” in the Security Administration Guide.
Before calling Sybase Technical Support, have the following information available:
Server version and SWR Rollup level
Server (and Backup Server if appropriate) error log for both the local and remote Server
Operating system error log
sp_helpserver and sp_configure output
Contents of interfaces file
Text of all error messages
All versions
Can't close connection %d on site '%S_SRVID' because it is not active.
This error occurs when Adaptive Server is unable to close a connection for a remote site on an Adaptive Server, Backup Server, or Open Server application because the remote connection is not active. %d is the logical connection channel number and %S_SRVID is the remote Adaptive Server name.
One reason for this error is that the physical connection died before a response was received. The transaction is then aborted.
Error 7212 occurs with the following states:
State |
Meaning |
2 |
Error 7212 occurs with State 2 when Adaptive Server is attempting to close the logical connection to the remote site and the logical connection is not found. |
3 |
Error 7212 occurs with State 3 when Adaptive Server is sending an attention packet to the remote connection and the logical connection is not found. |
To find out why this error is occurring, perform the following steps:
When automatic timeouts are enabled, a timeout occurs when there is no activity from a remote user for one minute. If you believe timeouts are occurring, consider disabling automatic timeouts by issuing the following command:
1> sp_serveroption server_name, "timeouts", false 2> go
where server_name is the name of the Adaptive Server for which you are disabling automatic timeouts.
Check the error log for both the sending Server and the receiving Server. If other errors have been raised, refer to the writeups in this manual for information about recovering from them.
If, after resolving any problems found in steps 1 and 2, you still get Error 7212, call Sybase Technical Support.
For more information about managing remote Adaptive Servers, refer to “Managing Remote Servers” in the Security Administration Guide.
Before calling Sybase Technical Support, have the following information available:
Server version and SWR Rollup level
Server (and Backup Server if appropriate) error log for both the local and remote Server
Operating system error log
sp_helpserver and sp_configure output
Contents of interfaces file
Text of all error messages
All versions
No site name received in server login packet. Server login rejected.
This error occurs when executing a remote procedure call (RPC) from an Adaptive Server which has not been given a name via the sp_addserver system procedure. The Adaptive Server name referred to here is stored in the sysservers system table as well as in the @@servername global variable.
Use sp_addserver to assign a name to the Adaptive Server initiating the RPC, while using that server:
1> sp_addserver sql_server_name, local 2> go
Refer to “sp_addserver” in the Reference Manual for information about valid Adaptive Server names.
Restart Adaptive Server to make the change take effect.
Verify that the server initiating the RPC has been given a name:
1> select @@servername 2> go
You can also check the Adaptive Server start message. The output will show the (local) Adaptive Server initiating the RPC. If the output is NULL, then the local server has not yet been assigned a name.
For more information, refer to:
“Identifiers” in the Reference Manual
All versions
Can't send to site '%S_SRVID'.
This error occurs when you try to execute a remote procedure call (RPC) on a remote Adaptive Server or Backup Server that is found in the local interfaces file but is not currently running.
In this writeup, “Server” is used
to indicate an Adaptive Server or a Backup Server.
Check whether the remote Server is running by issuing an isql statement similar to the following:
% isql -Sname_of_remote_server
If you receive the following message:
Operating-system error: Invalid argument DB_LIBRARY error: Unable to connect: Adaptive Server is unavailable or does not exist.
then the remote Server may not be running. Log in to the remote Server machine and check whether the Server is running. If it is not running, start it.
Check whether you receive the following message after issuing the isql statement:
Operating-system error: No such file or directory DB_LIBRARY error: Could not open interface file.
If you do, this indicates that your SYBASE environment variable (for UNIX, OS/2 and Novell users) or your SYBASE logical name (for OpenVMS users) is not set to the correct directory.
The value of the SYBASE parameter has to be set to the full path name of the SYBASE home directory where the interfaces file can be found. The value of the SYBASE parameter specifies the device as well as the path for SYBASE home. If you move the SYBASE directory structure to a new device, make sure the device is included in the SYBASE environment variable string (UNIX, OS/2, and Novell) or in the SYBASE logical name string (OpenVMS).
There are changes to the ASE directory structure in
version 12.0. Refer to your Installation and Configuration guide.
For more information about managing remote Adaptive Servers, refer to “Managing Remote Servers” in the Adaptive Server Enterprise Security Administration Guide.
Before calling Technical Support, have the following information available:
Server version and SWR Rollup level
Server (and Backup Server if appropriate) error log for both the local and remote Server
Operating system error log
sp_helpserver and sp_configure output
Content of interfaces file
Text of all error messages
All versions
Site '%.*s' not found in sysservers.
This error occurs when the remote Adaptive Server name in a remote procedure call (RPC) is not defined in the sysservers table on the Adaptive Server initiating the RPC.
Add the remote Adaptive Server name to the sysservers table on the Adaptive Server that initiated the RPC by typing the following:
1> sp_addserver server_name 2> go
Refer to “sp_addserver” in the Reference Manual for information about valid Adaptive Server names.
The easiest way to name an Adaptive Server is by assigning it the name stored in the DSQUERY environment variable or the name which is used in the -S option when the server is accessed via isql. For example:
In the above example, PRODUCTION is the Adaptive Server name. You can check to determine whether the Server has been added to the sysservers table by issuing the following command:
1> sp_helpserver 2> go
For more information, refer to sp_addserver, sp_helpserver, and “Identifiers” in the Reference Manual.
All versions
Site '%s' not found in interfaces file.
When you execute a remote procedure call (RPC) from one Adaptive Server to another, the local interfaces file of the initiating Adaptive Server has to contain information about the remote Adaptive Server.
Error 7220 occurs in one of the following situations:
When you try to execute an RPC on an Adaptive Server which is not referenced in the local interfaces file. Its name can, however, be found in the sysservers table.
When you attempt to use the dump or load commands and the Backup Server is not listed in the interfaces file.
Throughout this writeup, your network addressing file
is referred to as your “interfaces file.”
Eliminate the 7220 error by following the appropriate instructions below.
Use dsedit or dscp to check the items in the steps below:
Determine whether the local interfaces file has the query entry for the remote Adaptive Server.
Determine whether the Adaptive Server name is spelled correctly in the local interfaces file and if the tabs are set correctly at the beginning of each row which contains information about the Adaptive Server ports.
If you cannot find any information about the remote Adaptive Server in any interfaces file, you have two options. You can either:
Go to a backup copy of the local or remote interfaces file, and add the name of the remote Adaptive Server to the local interfaces file manually. Add the query entry for the remote Adaptive Server to the local interfaces file.
Or, you can:
Look for lines like the following in your remote Adaptive Server error log (the example is from a SunOS 4.x system). If you do not have a backup copy of the local interfaces file, check the remote Adaptive Server's error log for the network name and port numbers at the last restart (that is, at the end of the error log file). Refer to the Open Client/Server Installation Guide for more information about Adaptive Server ports.
... 00:93/11/08 17:06:01.01 server Opening Master Database ... 00:93/11/08 17:06:01.65 server Loading Adaptive Server's default sort order and character set 00:93/11/08 17:06:01.91 kernel network name baldrick, type ether, port 2056 00:93/11/08 17:06:02.06 server Recovering database 'master' ....
Look for the port number, the network type, and the machine name.
Add an entry to the interfaces file like the following:
REL110_PRODUCTION query tcp ether baldrick 2056 master tcp ether baldrick 2056
WARNING! Before you add Adaptive Server's query, master, and console entries to the local interfaces file, check that no other Adaptive Server has the same port numbers assigned to it in the local interfaces file.
After changing the interfaces file, try accessing the remote Adaptive Server through isql or, if it is not running, restart it.
Also check your hardware error log for possible hardware failures, in case you still cannot reboot or access the remote Adaptive Server.
The entry for the local Backup Server is created when you install Adaptive Server. If you have installed a remote Backup Server on another machine, you can choose one of the following options to resolve this error:
Copy the interfaces file entry for this Backup Server to the interfaces file on the machine where your Adaptive Server runs.
Locate the interfaces file on a file system that is shared by both machines.
Use the dsedit or dscp utility to update your interfaces file on the machine where your Adaptive Server runs. Refer to the Adaptive Server configuration and installation guide for information about these utilities.
For more additional information, refer to allow remote access configuration parameter in the System Administration Guide and “interfaces file” in the Adaptive Server installation and configuration guide.
All versions
Login to site '%S_SRVID' failed.
This error occurs when you execute a remote procedure call (RPC) in one of the following situations:
A name was not assigned, via sp_addserver, to the Adaptive Server which is initiating the RPC.
A remote login for the Adaptive Server initiating the RPC was not added to the Adaptive Server that is receiving the RPC.
The Adaptive Server receiving the RPC is not configured for allow remote access or for high enough values for number of remote sites or number of remote connections .
The Adaptive Server receiving the RPC does not have an entry in the network addressing (interfaces or sql.ini) file for the Server initiating the RPC (or the other way around).
The Adaptive Server receiving the RPC is in single-user mode and already had one user at the time the RPC was executed.
The password for the user initiating the RPC is not the same on both Adaptive Servers.
Eliminate the 7221 error by determining which of the above situations apply to you and following the appropriate steps:
A name was not assigned to the Adaptive Server which is initiating the RPC.
Use the select @@servername command to check if the Adaptive Server initiating the RPC has a name assigned to it.
If the select @@servername command returns the name of the server which is initiating the RPC, then continue your checking with step 2.
If the output returned by select @@servername is NULL, then assign a name to the local Adaptive Server via the sp_addserver command:
1> sp_addserver name_of_server_initiating_rpc,local 2> go
Refer to “sp_addserver” in the Adaptive Server Reference Manual for information about valid Adaptive Server names.
Restart Adaptive Server after assigning it a name.
Usually you want to name an Adaptive Server the same name as is stored in the DSQUERY environment variable or the name which is used in the -S option when the server is accessed via isql. For example:
In the above example, PRODUCTION is the Adaptive Server name.
A remote login was not added to the Adaptive Server that is receiving the RPC for the Adaptive Server that is initiating it.
Use sp_helpremotelogin to check if the receiving Adaptive Server has a remote login for the Adaptive Server initiating the RPC. If the output returned by sp_helpremotelogin contains information about the remote Adaptive Server, then continue with step 3.
If the output returned by sp_helpremotelogin does not contain information about the remote Adaptive Server, then add a remote login to the remote Adaptive Server for the Adaptive Server that is initiating the RPC by typing the following (on the remote Adaptive Server):
1> sp_addremotelogin name_of_server_initiating_rpc 2> go
The Adaptive Server receiving the RPC is not configured for allow remote access or for high enough values for number of remote sites or number of remote connections.
Check the remote Adaptive Server's error log for more information on why the RPC initiated by the local Adaptive Server did not succeed. Refer to “Setting Configuration Parameters” in the System Administration Guide for information about how to turn on allow remote access and how use sp_configure to raise the values of number of remote sites or number of remote connections.
The Adaptive Server receiving the RPC does not have an entry in the interfaces file for the Server initiating the RPC (or the other way around).
Add the required entries for the Adaptive Server initiating the RPC to the interfaces file of the receiving Server. Use one of the following utilities or copy the entries from the interfaces file of the initiating Server and make sure that they have a tab in front of each entry.:
dsedit (for OS/2)
The Adaptive Server receiving the RPC is in single-user mode and already has one user at the time the RPC is executed.
Wait until the receiving Adaptive Server is not being used any more and then execute the RPC or restart the receiving Adaptive Server in multi-user mode.
The password for the user initiating the RPC is not the same on both Servers.
Make user passwords the same for the remote Adaptive Server.
For more information, refer to:
sp_addremotelogin, sp_addserver, and sp_configure in the Adaptive Server Reference Manual
Server Is Unnamed of this manual
“allow remote access” in the System Administration Guide
All versions
Cannot %S_MSG site '%S_SRVID'.
This error occurs when Adaptive Server fails to complete a read or send operation during a remote procedure call (RPC). The failure can occur in a number of states. Each of these states is described below.
Adaptive Server uses tokens to establish a dialog request
with a client. There are several kinds of tokens to send different
State |
Meaning |
1 |
Adaptive Server uses buffering for sending and receiving packets to and from remote connections. If an error occurs while Adaptive Server is trying to read the next packet from the remote connection while Adaptive Server is being run in debug mode, Error 7223 is raised with State 1. %S_MSG is replaced by “read from” and %S_SRVID is the remote Adaptive Server name. |
2 |
If Adaptive Server confirms that no token was read from the remote connection, then Error 7223 is raised with State 2. %S_MSG is replaced by “read from” and %S_SRVID is the remote Adaptive Server name. |
3 |
If an error occurs while Adaptive Server is sending a token to a remote connection, Error 7223 is raised with State 3. %S_MSG is replaced by “send to” and %S_SRVID is the remote Adaptive Server name. |
4 |
If an error occurs while Adaptive Server is sending data to a remote connection, Error 7223 is raised with State 4. %S_MSG is replaced by “send to” and %S_SRVID is the remote Adaptive Server name. |
5 |
While Adaptive Server is establishing a network connection to a remote Adaptive Server, it translates the remote Server name to a Server ID, opens the logical connection, and then logs in. Error 7223 is raised with State 5 when Adaptive Server fails during one of these operations. %S_MSG is replaced by “send to” and %S_SRVID is the remote Adaptive Server name. |
6 |
Adaptive Server builds a remote procedure call request message in the remote connection send buffer and then sends it. Error 7223 occurs with State 6 when this send fails. %S_MSG is replaced by “send to” and %S_SRVID is the remote Adaptive Server name. |
7 |
If Adaptive Server confirms that no data was read from the remote connection, then Error 7223 is raised with State 7. %S_MSG is replaced by “read from” and %S_SRVID is the remote Adaptive Server name. |
Check the network connection between the locations of your local and remote Adaptive Servers. Make sure packets of data can be sent and received. You may need to ask your network administrator for help.
If you did not find a problem in step 1, call Sybase Technical Support.
Have the following information ready when you call Sybase Technical Support:
Server version and SWR Rollup level
Server error log for both the local and remote Adaptive Servers
Text of all error messages
sp_configure output
All versions
Can't open a connection to site '%S_SRVID' because Adaptive Server is not configured for remote access. Ask a user with System Administrator (SA) role to reconfigure Adaptive Server to allow remote access.
This error occurs when you execute a remote procedure call (RPC) and the sending or receiving server is not configured for remote access.
Configure the local or remote Adaptive Server for remote access by changing the allow remote access configuration parameter via sp_configure.
1> sp_configure "allow remote access", 1 2> go
After enabling the allow remote access configuration parameter and restarting Adaptive Server, the number of remote logins, number of remote sites, number of remote connections, and remote server pre-read packets configuration parameters will be set to their default values.
If you determine that the default values for number of remote logins, number of remote sites, number of remote connections, and remote server pre-read packets are not adequate for your needs, use sp_configure to change these configuration parameters as well.
Restart Adaptive Server to make the configuration change effective.
Refer to “allow remote access” in the System Administration Guide and “sp_configure” in the Reference Manual.
All versions
Failed to connect to remote server %s %s %s %s %s for site %s. Trying the next query entry of this server, if any.
Communication between an Adaptive Server and another server requires a site handler to manage connections between the servers. When you log on to Server A, and issue a command that necessitates communication with Server B (such as Backup Server for dumps/loads), Server A uses a site handler to open a connection to Server B, sending the query and receiving results from Server B.
Error 7234 is raised when Adaptive Server is unable to open a connection to another server. The remote server information in the message text refers to:
the server name
the network type
the network name
the machine name, and
the port number.
Processing continues after the error is raised, with the server re-trying the connection using the next entry, if any, in the interfaces file.
Error 7234 is an informational message. However, if all attempts to open a connection using the available interfaces entries fail, Adaptive Server raises Error 7235 ("No other query entry found for the remote server %s - site %s. Aborting this site handler, as no remote server responded. Please make sure the remote server is accepting connections.").
Check that the remote server is up and running. If you see the error after issuing a dump command, for example, check that Backup Server is running.
Check the remote server's network name in sysservers:
1> select srvname, srvnetname from master..sysservers 2> go
The remote server's srvnetname entry must match the name appearing in the interfaces file.
All versions
No other query entry found for the remote server %s - site %s. Aborting this site handler, as no remote server responded. Please make sure the remote server is accepting connections.
Communication between an Adaptive Server and another server requires a site handler to manage connections between the servers. When you log on to Server A, and issue a command that necessitates communication with Server B (such as Backup Server for dumps and loads), Server A uses a site handler to open a connection to Server B, sending the query and receiving results from Server B.
When the first attempt to open a site handler connection fails, Adaptive Server raises Error 7234 ("Failed to connect to remote server %s %s %s %s %s for site %s. Trying the next query entry of this server, if any."). The server then re-tries the connection using the next entry, if any, in the interfaces file. Error 7235 is raised after all such connection attempts fail.
Check that the remote server is up and running. If you see the error after issuing a dump command, for example, type the following:
1> exec SYB_BACKUP...sp_who 2> go
If Backup Server is running, you will get a meaningful response to this query.
Check the remote server's network name in sysservers:
1> select srvname, srvnetname from master..sysservers 2> go
The remote server's srvnetname entry must match the name appearing in the interfaces file. (An incorrect srvnetname can prevent the server from reaching the correct remote server.)
Have the following information ready when you call Sybase Technical Support:
Server version and SWR rollup level
Server error log
Text of all error messages.
All versions