Sybase IQ Create Database Preferences

The Sybase IQ create database preferences determine the default values for creating new Sybase IQ databases. .

Table 1. Sybase IQ Create Database preferences: Options
Property Description
Create a Sybase IQ Connection Profile for This Database

Create a new Sybase IQ connection profile. (Default.)

The default name is the same as the database name. If a connection profile with the same name as the database already exists, WorkSpace generates a new connection profile name by appending a number to the existing name.

Case Sensitive for String Comparisons

Make all comparisons case-sensitive and compatible with ISO/ANSI SQL. Default is off (comparisons are case insensitive).

User IDs and other identifiers are case insensitive, even in case-sensitive databases.

Table 2. Sybase IQ Create Database preferences: Java Support
Property Description
Install jConnect Meta-Information Support Use the Sybase jConnect driver to access system catalog information. You do not need to install jConnect to use JDBC for other purposes. This option is selected automatically when you select Create a Sybase IQ Connection Profile for This Database.
Install JDK Support Use Java in your database. JDK support installs entries for the Sybase runtime Java classes in the system tables.
Table 3. Sybase IQ Create Database preferences: Size
Property Description
Database Page Size, in Bytes

Select a page size. This is the page size for the catalog store, which contains the system tables. Default is 4096.

Do not indicate a page size larger than the page size used by the current Sybase IQ server. The first set of databases started sets the server page size.

IQ Page Size, in Bytes

Page size for the Sybase IQ store. Default is 131072. Sybase IQ block size is based on the value of IQ page size.

IQ Size, in MB

Size of the Sybase IQ store. Default is 192 MB, which lets you create some tables and procedures and insert a few rows of data for testing purposes. The exact number of tables depends on the width of your data and the number of columns.

Maximum value is 128GB (128000MB). See the table of Sybase IQ size minimum values. Sybase IQ temporary size is half of IQ size.

Related tasks
Creating a Database
Related reference
Create Database Preferences
ASE Create Database Preferences
ASA Create Database Preferences

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