ASE Connection Level Options

The ASE connection-level options determine the default values for the launch configuration of newly created Adaptive Server Enterprise procedural objects and default values for SQL Editor, SQL File Editor, and SQL Scrapbook. .

You can set connection-level options preferences for ASE versions 12.5.x and 15.x.
Table 1. Connection level options: Query Analysis
Property Description
Force Plan Process a join in the same order as tables appear in the from clause of a select statement only. Default is off.
No Exec Compile and return the query plan, but not execute the query. Default is off.
Parse Only Check the syntax of each Transact-SQL statement and return any error messages without compiling or executing the statement. Unlike No Exec, a Parse only statement without syntax errors can produce errors in compiling or execution time. Default is off.
Statistics IO Display information on the amount of disk activity generated by Transact-SQL statements. Default is off.
Statistics Time Display the number of milliseconds needed to parse, compile, and execute each statement. Default is off.
Statistics subquery Cache Display the number of cache hits, misses, and number of rows in the subquery cache for each subquery. Default is off.
Table 2. Connection level options: Arithmetic
Property Description
Ignore Arithmetic Overflow Ignore an arithmetic overflow or numeric truncation. Default is off.
Abort on Arithmetic Overflow ASE aborts the current query or procedure when arithmetic overflow occurs. Default is on.
Abort on Arithmetic Truncation ASE aborts the current query or procedure when arithmetic truncation occurs. Default is on.
Table 3. Connection level options: Transactions
Property Description

Select this option for chained mode.

Isolation Level Select the isolation level:
  • Isolation Level 0 – allow dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads, and phantom rows.

  • Isolation Level 1 – prevent dirty reads, allow nonrepeatable reads, and phantom rows. Default for JDBC connections.

  • Isolation Level 2 – prevent dirty reads and guarantee repeatable reads, allow phantom rows.

  • Isolation Level 3 – serializable: do not allow dirty reads, guarantee repeatable reads, and do not allow phantom rows.

Table 4. Connection level options: DBCC trace flags
Property Description
Index Selection Print index selection information in DBCC output. Default is off.
Join Selection Print join selection information in DBCC output. Default is off.
Output to SQL Results View Include DBCC information in the SQL Results view. Default is off. Available only when Index selection or Join selection is checked.
Output to Server Log Include DBCC information in the server error log. Default is off. Available only when Index selection or Join selection is checked.
Table 5. Connection level options: Miscellaneous
Property Description
ANSI NULL Any comparisons with NULL using = or != evaluate to unknown. Default is on.
Quoted Identifier Strings enclosed in double quotes are interpreted as identifiers. Default is off for JDBC connections.
Related tasks
Sybase IQ Connection Level Options
Creating a Launch Configuration for Procedural Objects
Related reference
Connection Level Options
ASA Connection Level Options

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