Setting Splitter Properties

Configure the Splitter to cache a copy of its result set and to track certain variables.

  1. Double-click a Splitter operator. The Splitter Properties dialog appears.
  2. (Optional) Edit the Name and Description for this operator.
  3. If you want your Splitter operator to cache its result set, check the Enable caching of intermediate result sets box.
  4. If you elected to cache the result set, complete the rest of the fields as described:
    Option Description
    Maintain cached result sets You can specify the threshold below which Sybase Data Federation maintains the results in memory rather than writing them to disk. Note that this is the number of rows of data, rather than the size of the data in bytes. If you set this value too high, the Splitter uses too much memory. If you set this value too low, writing to disk makes the Splitter run more slowly than necessary.
    Specify variables which affect the value of the upstream result set You can designate any of the variables defined in your model by operators downstream of the Splitter as affecting the value of the cached results. For example, if you have an Iterator downstream that defines a variable that’s mapped to a parameter in an Input Source element upstream of the Splitter , make sure that it’s selected here, to ensure the validity of the cached data. The list on the left (Available Variables) intially contains all downstream variables; move those that affect caching to the list on the right (Selected Variables). To manipulate the lists:
    • To move one or more selected variables to the right-hand list, click Add.
    • To move all of the variables to the right-hand list, click Add All.
    • To move one or more selected variables back to the left-hand list, click Remove.
    • To move all of the variables back to the left-hand list, click Remove All.
  5. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog.
Related reference
Properties Dialog Field Descriptions

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