Splitter Operator

Given one input result set, the Splitter operator produces one or more identical output result sets. Use Splitter if you need to operate on the same data in multiple execution paths within your view model.

You can configure a Splitter to cache its input data. If you enable caching, the operator caches its input the first time you call it. On subsequent calls, the Splitter returns the cached data instead of re-executing upstream operators.

Changes in downstream variables can cause a Splitter’s cache to become out of date. For example, if you configure an Iterator operator downstream of a Splitter, the scope might change across successive calls, and it might be necessary for the Splitter to re-execute its input in order to cache valid results. In such cases you can specify a list of variables for the Splitter to track—Splitter returns cached results as long as these variables remain constant; when any of the tracked variables changes, the Splitter flushes its cache and re-executes its input.

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