Tools for Data Integration

The simplest data integration tasks can be accomplished by using SQL SELECT syntax to run queries against SQL views; however, you can also perform complex integration tasks using data services, virtual database operations, and view generators.

Sybase Data Federation appears to external applications and users as a virtual database when accessed via JDBC or ODBC. The simplest data integration tasks can be accomplished by using SQL SELECT syntax to run queries against SQL views that have been provisioned in the Data Federation virtual database.

However, in many cases, access to Data Federation will not be entirely ad hoc against “raw” provisioned SQL views. For example, you might want to expose a logical model that involves creating a combination of procedures and virtual tables that encapsulate operations against raw provisioned SQL views and database operations. The primary mechanisms for building up this logical layer of abstraction in Data Federation are as follows:

To cover more advanced situations where you need the full power of Java or you need to perform XML processing within Data Federation, you can also create data services that are implemented in Java, JavaScript, or XSLT directly without using WorkSpace Data Federation.

Finally, if you have data consumers or applications that require flat file output, you can route the output of database operations or data services to flat files using Data Federation view generators.

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