Generating Certificates for HTTPS-enabled Administration

By default Unwired Server administration includes a certificate for HTTPS encryption. This certificate differs from the one you configure for HTTPS encrypted synchronization.

For Unwired Server administration, a default certificate is provided for you. This administration certificate is saved as a .keystore file in the <UnwiredPlatform_Install>\Servers\UnwiredServer\tomcat folder. This is a Java keystore formatted file. The keystore password is "changeit" by default. In a production deployment of Unwired Server, you would want to change this file and supply a new password for it.

  1. Use keytool to import a replacement certificate that you have obtained for the production server.
  2. (Recommended) Give the new certificate the alias of "tomcat".
  3. (Optional)Configure other properties in <UnwiredPlatform_Install>\Servers\UnwiredServer\tomcat\conf\server.xml.bak as required. For more information, see Pay close attention to the details documented in the HTTP Connection section. With this information, you can then edit properties accordingly.
  4. (Optional) If you have modified the file, save changes and remove the .BAK extension.
  5. If you are running multiple Unwired Servers as part of a clustered environment, ensure these changes are propagated to all server instances (primary and slaves).

Created September 17, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: