Known Issues for Interactive SQL

Descriptions of known issues for Interactive SQL.

Use dbisql, instead of dbisqlc , unless instructed to do otherwise for specific tasks. dbisqlc is supported, but does not contain all the features of dbisql. dbisqlc will be deprecated in a future release.

Interactive SQL issues
CR# Description
  • Creating output files in quiet mode – If you run dbisql (Interactive SQL) with the -q (quiet mode) option, and the data extraction commands (primarily setting the option TEMP_EXTRACT_NAME1 to an output file) are in a command file, you must first set and make permanent the dbisql option “Show multiple result sets.” If you do not set this option, the output file is not created.
  • Show multiple result sets – To set the option “Show multiple result sets,” click Tools | Options in the dbisql window, choose "SAP Sybase IQ," and select the "Results" tab. Under "Results Processing" and "For statements that return multiple result sets," select "Show all result sets."
  • Query plan on the Plan Viewer tab – The query plan in the dbisql Plan Veiewer tab is a SQL Anywhere style query plan. For an SAP Sybase IQ query plan, refer to the IQ .iqmsg file.
  • Unable to initialize screen routines – If you set the terminal type on UNIX and Linux systems to “dumb” or “unknown” and then start dbisqlc, SAP Sybase IQ returns an error. For example:
    % setenv TERM dumb
    % dbisqlc
    error at line 1 Unable to initialize screen routines
  • Workaround – To avoid problems, run dbisql (Interactive SQL) instead, or use an xterm window to run dbisqlc on UNIX and Linux systems. For example, to start an xterm window with a scroll bar, enter:
    % xterm -sb
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