Creating the Replication Agent administrator login

Each Replication Agent instance has only one administrator login. The default administrator login (sa, with no password) is created when the Replication Agent instance is created.

NoteSybase recommends that you create a new administrator login and password to replace the default “sa” login and secure access to the administration port immediately after you create a Replication Agent instance. See “Creating the Replication Agent administrator login” for more information.

You can use ra_set_login to create (or change) the administrator login for a Replication Agent instance.

StepsCreating or changing the Replication Agent administrator login

  1. Log in to the Replication Agent instance with the administrator login.

    When you log in to the Replication Agent instance for the first time, use the default administrator login.

  2. After you log in, enter the following command:

    ra_set_login admin_user,admin_pw


    • admin_user is the new administrator login name you want to use for this Replication Agent instance.

    • admin_pw is the password for the new administrator login.

    NoteUse the values from section 1 of the “Installation and Setup Worksheet” in the Replication Agent Installation Guide to specify the Replication Agent administrator login name and password.

The new login name replaces the current administrator login. The next time you log in to the Replication Agent instance, you must use the new administrator login name and password.