Customizing the New Model Dialog

A model category set is a PowerDesigner resource file that contains one or more categories, which in turn contain templates to guide users through model creation in the New Model dialog. Using categories and templates for model creation simplifies the model creation process by preselecting appropriate targets, extensions, and diagrams, and by hiding irrelevant choices from users.

To view the list of model category sets, select Tools > Resources > Model Category Sets. For information about the tools available in resource file lists, see PowerDesigner Resource Files.

You can deploy model category sets to users (see Sharing Resource Files via the Library) to ensure that everyone on your team is creating models using the same centralized targets and extensions checked out automatically from the repository. You can create different category sets for different users so that, for example, data architects will have different choices from business analysts when they open the New Model dialog.

In the following example, the Information category is selected and provides eight templates to choose from:


Note: You can also hide model types from certain types of users with object permission profiles (see Controlling the Availability of Models, Objects, and Properties).