Pushing Model Category Sets to Users

You can deploy your model category sets to the library to make them available to other users.

  1. Select Tools > Resources > Model Category Sets to open the List of Model Category Sets.
  2. Select the category set you want to push to other users and click the Check In tool.
  3. Select the folder inside the library into which you want to check in the category set, and enter an appropriate comment.
    Note: If you check the category set into a folder outside the library, it will not be available for selection in the General Options dialog. For more information about the library, see Deploying an Enterprise Library.
  4. Click OK to check in the category set.

    The next time users connect to the repository (or select Repository > Synchronize Library, they will be invited to check the category set out into their local library, and it will immediately be available for selection when they click Tools > General Options, and click the Model Creation category in the left pane.