

Retrieve a connection from a specified data source or from any data source that matches a specified set of values for server, user name, password, and connectivity library.


JagStatus JagCmGetConnection (
        JagCmCache    *cache,
        SQLCHAR       *username,
        SQLCHAR       *password,
        SQLCHAR       *server,
        SQLCHAR       *con_lib,
        SQLPOINTER    *connection,
        JagCmOpt      opt



The address of a JagCmCache cache handle variable. The input value determines how the parameter is used:


When *cache is NULL, the user name for connections in the desired data source. Ignored when *cache is not NULL.


When *cache is NULL, the password used by connections in the desired data source. Ignored when *cache is not NULL.


When *cache is NULL, the name of the server to which cached connections are made. Ignored when *cache is not NULL.


When *cache is NULL, indicates a string value indicating the connectivity library used by connections in the data source. Ignored when *cache is not NULL.

When *cache is NULL, allowable values for con_lib are:

con_lib value

To indicate


Sybase Open Client Client-Library


An ODBC implementation library


Oracle Call Interface 7.x


Oracle Call Interface 8.x


The address of a variable that receives the connection handle. Declare a variable of the appropriate type, as follows:

  • For ODBC connections, pass the address of an SQLHDBC variable

  • For Client-Library connections, pass the address of a CS_CONNECTION * variable

  • For Oracle 7.x connections, pass the address of an OCI Lda_Def variable

  • For Oracle 8.x connections, pass the address of an OCI OCISvcCtx variable

On successful return, the connection will be open and in a state that allows commands to be sent to the remote server.


A symbolic value that indicates the desired behavior if all connections in a data source are in use. Allowable values are:

Value of opt

JagCmGetConnection behavior when all connections are in use


Fails with an error if no connection can be returned.


Does not return until a connection becomes available.


Allocates and opens a new connection. The new connection is not cached and will be destroyed when JagCmReleaseConnection is called.


Return value

To indicate

ODBC status code

The result of a SQLAllocConnect or SQLConnect call, or SQL_SUCCESS in the case where a previously opened connection is returned.

Client-Library status code

The result of a ct_con_alloc or ct_connect call, or CS_SUCCEED in the case where a previously opened connection is returned.

OCI_SUCCESS (An OCI 7.x and 8.x status code)

Successful retrieval of an OCI 7.x or 8.x connection.

OCI_FAIL (An OCI 7.x and 8.x status code)

Failure to retrieve an OCI 7.x or 8.x connection. Check the server log for errors, and verify that the connection can be pinged.


Failure. JagCmGetConnection returns JAG_FAIL when the call specifies an invalid con_lib value.


JagCmGetConnection returns a connection that was allocated and opened with the specified connectivity library and that has matching values for server, user name, and password.

JagCmGetConnection behaves differently depending on whether the *cache parameter is NULL.

Calls that pass a NULL data source handle

If *cache is NULL, CmGetConnection looks for a data source with settings that match the values of the username, password, server, and con_lib parameters. If a cache is found and a connection is available, a connection is returned from that data source and *cache is set to reflect the data source from which the connection came. If no data source is found, then a connection structure is allocated, a connection is opened using the specified connectivity library and the new connection structure is returned. If a data source was found, con_lib is ignored. The following table summarizes the JagCmGetConnection call when *cache is NULL.

Table 2-1: JagCmGetConnection behavior when *cache is NULL

Data source found?

Connection available in data source?




The call returns a connection handle in *connection and sets *cache to reflect the data source from which the connection came.



Depending on the value of the opt parameter, the call fails, waits for an available connection, or allocates and opens a new, uncached connection. *cache is returned as NULL.



The call attempts to allocate and open a new, uncached connection. *cache is returned as NULL.

Cached and uncached connections

A connection obtained with JagCmGetConnection is either cached or uncached.

A cached connection is one that was taken from a configured data source. When JagCmGetConnection returns a cached connection, it sets *cache to indicate the data source to which the connection belongs. Cached connections must be released to the data source from which they were taken: pass the data source reference obtained in the JagCmGetConnection call when calling JagCmReleaseConnection.

An uncached connection is one that was not taken from a data source. JagCmGetConnection returns an uncached connection in either of the following cases:

Calls that pass a non-NULL data source handle

When a data source handle is passed in *cache, JagCmGetConnection looks for an available connection in that data source. If none is available, then the value of the opt parameter determines whether the call waits for a connection to be released, fails, or opens a new, uncached connection.

See also
