Specifying protocol handlers at runtime

If you must use more than one HTTPS protocol handler in one EAServer or in one client application, you must call one of the java.net.URL constructors that takes a java.net.URLStreamHandler as a parameter. The specified java.net.URLStreamHandler instance overrides the default handler for the protocol specified by the URL. For example, to specify the EAServer HTTPS handler, use code like this:

import java.net.*;
import com.sybase.jaguar.net.JagURLStreamHandlerFactory;
import com.sybase.jaguar.net.HttpsURLConnection;


String url_string = "https://localhost:8081/index.html";

// The URL stream handler factory is required to create a stream
// handler.
JagURLStreamHandlerFactory fact = new JagURLStreamHandlerFactory();

// Extract the protocol from the front of the URL string
String protocol = url_string.substring(0, url_string.indexOf(":"));

// If the protocol is HTTPS, use the EAServer HTTPS handler. Otherwise,
// use the default handler
java.net.URL url;
if (protocol.equals("https"))
    url = new URL((URL)null, url_string,
} else
    url = new URL(url_string);