Web application direct form login

EAServer supports direct form login, which allows you to access a Web application’s protected content directly without requiring the user to visit the Web application’s form login page.

To enable direct form login, set the following session property:


This property specifies the URL of the protected page that you want to access. With the property set, submit a post request to the form login URL with the user name and password specified in the request parameters. If the login succeeds, EAServer redirects the user to the specified page.If you do not specify a page to redirect to before posting a request to the login form, EAServer redirects the user to the page specified by this Web application property:


If this property is not set, EAServer redirects the user to the Web application’s welcome page.

Also, when authentication fails, the following properties are set in the servlet session before invoking the error page:

These settings are removed when authentication succeeds.