
Allows a PowerBuilder client or component to obtain a factory or home interface in order to create an instance of an EAServer component. This function is used by PowerBuilder clients connecting to components running in EAServer, and by PowerBuilder components connecting to other components running on the same server.



Obtain the factory interface of a CORBA-compliant component running in EAServer

Syntax 1 For CORBA-compliant EAServer components

Obtain the home interface of an EJB component running in EAServer

Syntax 2 For instances of an EJB component

Syntax 1 For CORBA-compliant EAServer components


Allows a PowerBuilder client or component to obtain the factory interface of an EAServer component in order to create an instance of the component.

Applies to

Connection objects, TransactionServer objects


objname.Lookup (objectvariable , componentname )




The name of the Connection object used to establish the connection or of an instance of the TransactionServer context object.


A global, instance, or local variable of the factory interface type.


A string whose value is the name of the component instance to be created. You can optionally prepend a package name followed by a slash to the component name (for example, "mypackage/mycomponent").


Long. Returns 0 if it succeeds and a negative number if an error occurs.


The Lookup function can be used as an alternative to the CreateInstance function. It obtains a reference to a factory interface that you can use to create an instance of a component running in EAServer.

Use the Connection object’s Lookup function to enable a PowerBuilder client to access a component running in EAServer. You can supply a server name or a list of server names in the location property of the Connection object.

Use the TransactionServer object’s Lookup function to enable a PowerBuilder component running in EAServer to access another component running on the same server.

To use the Lookup function, you need to create an EAServer proxy library for the SessionManager package to obtain a proxy for the factory interface. Include this proxy library in your library list.


Example 1

The following example uses Lookup to instantiate the factory interface for the n_Bank_Account component, then it uses the factory’s create method to create an instance of the component:

// Instance variable:

// Connection myconnect

Factory my_Factory

CORBAObject mycorbaobj

n_Bank_Account my_account

long ll_result

ll_result = &


mycorbaobj = my_Factory.create()

mycorbaobj._narrow(my_account, "Bank/n_Bank_Account")


See also


Syntax 2 For instances of an EJB component


Allows a PowerBuilder client or component to obtain the home interface of an EJB component in EAServer in order to create an instance of the component.

Applies to

Connection objects, TransactionServer objects


objname.Lookup (objectvariable , componentname {, homeid} )




The name of the Connection object used to establish the connection or of an instance of the TransactionServer context object.


A global, instance, or local variable of the type of the home interface to be created.


A string whose value is the name of the EJB component to be created. You can optionally prepend a package name followed by a slash to the component name (for example, "mypackage/mycomponent").


A string whose value is the name of the home interface to be created. This argument is optional


Long. Returns 0 if it succeeds and a negative number if an error occurs.


NoteEJBConnection You can also use the Lookup method of the EJBConnection PowerBuilder extension object to create an instance of an EJB component running on any J2EE compliant application server. For more information, see Lookup in the PowerBuilder Extension Reference.

The Lookup function creates an instance of the home interface of an EJB component so that you can use it to create an instance of the EJB. Use the Connection object’s Lookup function to enable a PowerBuilder client to access a component running in EAServer. You can supply a server name or a list of server names in the location property of the Connection object. Use the TransactionServer object’s Lookup function to enable a PowerBuilder component running in EAServer to access an EJB component running on the same server.

The Lookup function uses the standard CORBA naming service to resolve componentname to a CORBA object that is then narrowed to the home interface name of the component. If you do not specify the third argument to the Lookup function, PowerBuilder expects the home interface name to have the format PackageName/CompNameHome. However, most EJB components use a standard Java package directory structure and the home interface name has a format such as com/domain/project/CompNameHome.

You can ensure that a PowerBuilder client or component can locate the component’s home interface by supplying the third argument to the Lookup function to specify the home interface name. A component’s home interface name is defined in the com.sybase.jaguar.component.home.ids property in the EAServer repository. The home.ids property has a format like this:


The third argument should be the value of the component’s home.ids string without the leading IDL: and trailing :1.0. For example:

ts.lookup(MyCartHome, "shopping/cart", &

Alternatively, you can use the fully-qualified Java class name of the home interface specified in dot notation. For example:

ts.lookup(MyCartHome, "shopping/cart", &

NoteLookup is case sensitive Lookup in EAServer is case sensitive. Make sure that the case in the string you specify in the argument to the lookup function matches the case in the ejb.home property.


Example 2

The following example uses Lookup with the Connection object to locate the home interface of the Multiply session EJB in the Java package abc.xyz.math:

// Instance variable:

// Connection myconnect

Multiply myMultiply

MultiplyHome myMultiplyHome

long ll_result, ll_product

ll_result = &

   myconnect.lookup(myMultiplyHome,"Math/Multiply", &

IF ll_result <> = 0 THEN

   MessageBox("Lookup failed", myconnect.errtext)



    myMultiply = myMultiplyHome.create()

  catch (ctscomponents_createexception ce)

    MessageBox("Create exception", ce.getmessage())

    // handle exception

  end try

  ll_product = myMultiply.multiply(1234, 4567)


Entity beans have a findByPrimaryKey method that you can use to find an EJB saved in the previous session. This example uses that method to find a shopping cart saved for Dirk Dent:

// Instance variable:

// Connection myconnect

Cart myCart

CartHome myCartHome

long ll_result

ll_result = &

  myconnect.lookup(myCartHome,"Shopping/Cart", &

IF ll_result <> = 0 THEN

  MessageBox("Lookup failed", myconnect.errtext)



     myCart = myCartHome.findByPrimaryKey("DirkDent")

  CATCH ( ctscomponents_finderexception fe )     MessageBox("Finder exception", &
         fe.getmessage())   END TRY


Nonvisual objects deployed from PowerBuilder to EAServer can use an instance of the TransactionServer context object to locate the home interface of an EJB component in the same server:

CalcHome MyCalcHome

Calc MyCalc

TransactionServer ts

ErrorLogging errlog

long ll_result

this.GetContextService("TransactionServer", ts)

this.GetContextService("ErrorLogging", errlog)

ll_result = ts.lookup(MyCalcHome, "Utilities/Calc", &

IF ll_result <> 0 THEN

  errlog.log("Lookup failed: " + string(ll_result))


     MyCalc = MyCalcHome.create()

  CATCH (ctscomponents_createexception ce)
     errlog.log("Create exception: " + ce.getmessage())



See also
