PowerBuilder requires a declarative statement to identify the database stored procedure that is being used and to specify a logical name for the procedure. The logical name is used to reference the procedure in subsequent SQL statements.

The general syntax for declaring a procedure is:

DECLARE logical_procedure_name PROCEDURE FOR 
	{@param1 = value, @param2 = value2, ...} 
	{USING transaction_object};

where logical_procedure_name can be any valid PowerScript identifier and procedure_name is the name of a stored procedure in the database.

The parameter references can take the form of any valid parameter string the database accepts. PowerBuilder inspects the parameter list format only for variable substitution. The USING clause is required only if you are using a transaction object other than the default transaction object (SQLCA).

Output parameters might not be returned when you use an embedded SQL command to call a stored procedure. You can set the PBNewSPInvocation database parameter to "Yes" to use an alternative method to invoke a stored procedure. The behavior of the PowerBuilder ODBC driver when this DBParm is set is consistent with the default behavior of the OLE DB and JDBC drivers.

If PBNewSPInvocation is set to "Yes," the alternative method is used when you retrieve data into a DataWindow object that uses a stored procedure. See ODBC DECLARE and EXECUTE with PBNewSPInvocation


Assume a stored procedure named proc1 is defined on the server. To declare proc1 for processing within PowerBuilder, enter:


The procedure declaration is a nonexecutable statement, just like a cursor declaration. However, where cursors have an OPEN statement, procedures have an EXECUTE statement.

When an EXECUTE statement executes, the procedure is invoked. The EXECUTE refers to the logical procedure name, in this example emp_proc:

EXECUTE emp_proc;

See also