Creating an XML document from scratch

You can create an XML document in a script using the appropriate PBDOM_OBJECT subclasses and methods. The following code uses the PBDOM_ELEMENT and PBDOM_DOCUMENT classes and some of their methods to create a simple XML document.

First, the objects are declared and instantiated:

PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem_1
PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem_2
PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem_3
PBDOM_ELEMENT pbdom_elem_root

pbdom_elem_1 = Create PBDOM_ELEMENT
pbdom_elem_2 = Create PBDOM_ELEMENT
pbdom_elem_3 = Create PBDOM_ELEMENT

The instantiated objects are assigned names. Note that the PBDOM_DOCUMENT object pbdom_doc1 is not named:


The objects are arranged into a node tree using the AddContent method. The AddContent method adds the referenced object as a child node under the object from which AddContent is invoked:


Use the NewDocument method to create a new XML document. The parameter value supplied to the NewDocument method becomes the name of the root element. This name is then accessed from the PBDOM_DOCUMENT object pbdom_doc1 and assigned to the PBDOM_ELEMENT object pbdom_elem_root using the GetRootElement method:

pbdom_elem_root = pbdom_doc1.GetRootElement()

The ELEMENT object pbdom_elem_1 and all its child nodes are placed in the new XML document node tree under the root element using the AddContent method. Note that as the ancestor node pbdom_elem_1 is placed in the node tree, all its child nodes move as well:


The XML document created looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE Root_Element_From_Doc_1> 