delete (positioned cursor)


Removes, from a table, the row indicated by the current cursor position for an open cursor.


exec sql [at connection_name] delete 
 [from] table_name 
 where current of cursor_name;



The name of the table from which the row will be deleted.

where current of cursor_name

Causes Adaptive Server Enterprise to delete the row of the table indicated by the current cursor position for the cursor cursor_name.


Example 1

exec sql include sqlca;
     char answer[1];
exec sql begin declare section;
     CS_CHAR disc_type[40];
     CS_CHAR store_id[5];
     CS_SMALLINT ind_store_id;
exec sql end declare section;
exec sql connect “sa”;
exec sql use pubs2;
exec sql declare purge_cursor cursor for
     select discounttype, stor_id
     from discounts;
exec sql open purge_cursor;
exec sql whenever not found goto alldone;
while (1)
     exec sql fetch purge_cursor into :disc_type, :store_id
     if (ind_store_id != -1)
          printf(“%s, %s\n”, disc_type, store_id);
          printf(“Delete Discount Record? (y/n)  >”);
          if (strncmp(answer, “y”, 1) == 0)
               exec sql delete from discounts where
                    current of purge_cursor;
 **  No changes will be committed to the database because
 **  this program does not contain an “exec sql commit work;”
 **  statement.  The changes will be rolled back when the 
 **  user disconnects.
     exec sql close purge_cursor;
     exec sql disconnect all;


See also

close, declare cursor, fetch, open, update