Editing individual style.prm files

Perform the following steps to configure the Enhanced Full-Text Search engine so that the individual text index allows clustering and literal text in your query-by-example specifications, or summarization:

  1. Create the text index using sp_create_text_index. Use the word “empty” in the option_string parameter so that the style.prm file is created for the text index, but the Verity collections are not populated with data. For example, if you are enabling clustering for the copy column of the blurbs table, use the following syntax:

    sp_create_text_index "KRAZYKAT", "i_blurbs", "blurbs", "empty", "copy"

    NoteIf the text index already exists, omit this step. You do not need to create the text index again.

  2. Use sp_drop_text_index to drop the text index associated with the style.prm file you are editing.

    For example, to drop the text index created in step 1, enter:

    sp_drop_text_index "blurbs.i_blurbs"
  3. Edit the style.prm file that exists for the text index. The style.prm file for an existing collection is located in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_FTS/collections/db.owner.index/style.

    For example, if you create a text index called i_blurbs on the pubs2 database, the full path to these files is the following, where db.owner.index is the database, the database owner, and the index created with sp_create_text_index: $SYBASE/$SYBASE_FTS/collections/pubs2.dbo.i_blurbs/style

  4. Uncomment the applicable lines as described above. For example, to enable clustering, uncomment the following line:

    $define DOC-FEATURES "TF"
  5. Re-create the text index you dropped in step 2. For example, to re-create the i_blurbs text index, enter:

    sp_create_text_index "KRAZYKAT", "i_blurbs", "blurbs", "", "copy"