Open ClientConnect datatypes

Open ClientConnect datatypes are designed to match the corresponding DB2 datatypes. For example, CS-VARCHAR is the same as the DB2 datatype VARCHAR, which is different from the Adaptive Server varchar type.


Open ClientConnect supports the following three binary types:

NoteCS-VARBINARY does not correspond to the Adaptive Server datatype varbinary. Open ClientConnect converts Adaptive Server varbinary data to CS-VARBINARY.


Open ClientConnect supports the following three character types:

NoteCS-VARCHAR does not correspond to the Adaptive Server datatype varchar. Open ClientConnect converts Adaptive Server varchar data to CS-VARCHAR.


Open ClientConnect supports the following two datetime types that hold 8-byte and 4-byte datetime values, respectively:


Open ClientConnect supports the following two integer types:

Real, float, packed decimal, numeric and Sybase-decimal

Open ClientConnect supports the following five decimal types:


Open ClientConnect supports the following two money datatypes that hold 8-byte and 4-byte money values, respectively: