Bulk copy and destination-template transfer

Bulk copy transfer and destination-template transfer processes differ as follows:

Table 8-1 further describes the conditions that determine the type of transfer you select:

Table 8-1: Comparison of two transfer command types

Use bulk copy transfer to:

Use destination-template transfer to:

Execute the transfer quickly

Exercise more control over the transfer

Perform implicit datatype conversions

Move tables of data in which you need to explicitly specify datatype conversion, such as when the data is structurally incompatible

Move entire tables of data in which column types are compatible between the source and destination databases:

Move entire tables of data.

Perform actions other than INSERT against a target database using input from the source database, such as UPDATE, DELETE, and CREATE

Update, delete, and create actions can be performed against a target database.

NoteIn both types of transfer, the transfer statement must be the only statement in a request.

For detailed information about bulk copy transfer, see Chapter 9, “Using Bulk Copy Transfer.” For detailed information about destination-template transfer, see Chapter 10, “Using Destination-Template Transfer.”

Express transfer information

The DB2 access service does not support the “express transfer” option. However, you can use ECDA Option for ODBC to express-transfer data to and from the DB2 access service using the ASE ODBC Driver by Sybase.

For more information about the ASE ODBC Driver by Sybase, see the installation guide for your platform or ASE ODBC Driver by Sybase documentation.