

Displays, in XML, the executing query plan for queries in the statement cache.

show_cached_plan_in_xml returns sections of the showplan utility output in XML format.


show_cached_plan_in_xml(statement_id, plan_id, [level_of_detail])



is the object ID of the lightweight procedure. A lightweight procedure is one that can be created and invoked internally by Adaptive Server. This is the SSQLID column from monCachedStatement, which contains a unique identifier for each cached statement.


is the unique identifier for the plan. This is the PlanID from monCachedProcedures. A value of zero for plan_id displays the showplan output for all cached plans for the indicated SSQLID.


is a value from 0 – 6 indicating the amount of detail show_cached_plan_in_xml returns (see Table 2-6). level_of_detail determines which sections of showplan are returned by show_cached_plan_in_xml. The default value is 0.

The output of show_cached_plan_in_xml includes the plan_id and these sections:


Example 1

A query plan rendered in XML:

select show_cache_plan_in_xml(1328134997,0)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <![CDATA[SQL Text: select name from sysobjects where id = 10]]>
    <planStatus> available </planStatus>
                <scanOrder> ForwardScan </scanOrder>
                <positioning> ByKey </positioning>
                    <keyOrder> Ascending </keyOrder>
                <indexBufReplStrategy> LRU </indexBufReplStrategy>
                <dataBufReplStrategy> LRU </dataBufReplStrategy>

Example 2

This example shows enhanced <est>, <act>, and <scanCoverage> tags available in 15.7.1 and later versions of Adaptive Server:

select show_cached_plan_in_xml(1123220018, 0)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   SQL Text: select distinct c1, c2 from t1, t2 where c1 = d1 PLAN '( distinct_hashing ( nl_join ( t_scan t2 ) ( i_scan i1t1 t1 ) ) )']]>
      <planStatus> available </planStatus>
                     <scanOrder> ForwardScan </scanOrder>
                     <positioning> StartOfTable </positioning>
                     <scanCoverage> NonCovered </scanCoverage>
                     <dataBufReplStrategy> LRU </dataBufReplStrategy>
                     <scanOrder> ForwardScan </scanOrder>
                     <positioning> ByKey </positioning>
                     <scanCoverage> NonCovered </scanCoverage>
                        <keyOrder> Ascending </keyOrder>
                     <dataBufReplStrategy> LRU </dataBufReplStrategy>



The permission checks for show_cached_plan_in_xml differ based on your granular permissions settings.

Granular permissions enabled

With granular permissions enabled, you must be a user with mon_role, or have monitor qp performance permission to execute show_cached_plan_in_xml.

Granular permissions disabled

With granular permissions disabled, you must be a user with mon_role or sa_role to execute show_cached_plan_in_xml.