How much effort will the migration require?

In order to understand how much effort a given DB-Library-to-Client-Library migration will take, you need to examine the DB-Library application in terms of what tasks it performs and what routines it uses.

Some DB-Library tasks, such as sending a SQL command to a server, are straightforward in both libraries. Other tasks, such as using Open Server registered procedures, are more complex in Client-Library.

Table 2-1 classifies typical DB-Library application tasks according to the degree of effort required to duplicate the same application functionality with Client-Library:

Table 2-1: DB-Library tasks ranked by migration effort required

DB-Library task

Partial list of related routines

Degree of effort required for migration


Sending a Transact-SQL language command to a server

dbcmd, dbfcmd, dbsqlexec

Less than average

Sending language commands is straightforward in Client-Library.

Sending an RPC command to a server

dbrpcinit, dbrpcparam, dbrpcsend

Less than average

Sending RPC commands is straightforward in Client-Library.

Inserting and retrieving text and image data from a server

dbreadtext, dbwritetext, dbtxtptr, dbtxtimestamp

Less than average

Client-Library handles text and image data more gracefully than DB-Library.

Manipulating datetime values

dbdatename, dbdatepart, dbdatezero


Client-Library does not provide direct equivalents for these routines. Instead, use cs_dt_crack and cs_dt_info.

Automatic result row formatting

dbprhead, dbprrow, dbspr1row, dbsprhead


Client-Library does not provide equivalent routines, which can easily be replaced by application code such as that found in the exutils.c Client-Library sample program.

Applications that use these routines for debugging purposes can use ct_debug instead.

Bulk copy operations

Bulk copy routines


DB-Library’s bcp_ routines include built-in file I/O routines, which read and write host data files and format files, and write error files.

Client-Library applications use Bulk-Library, which does not include file I/O routines.

Use pointers to result data instead of binding the data

dbdata, dbadata


Currently, Client-Library applications are required to bind results to memory in the application’s data space.

Row buffering


More than average

Client-Library provides cursor and array-binding functionality as an alternative to row buffering. Using cursors to replace row buffering may require some application design work.

Registered procedures

dbnpcreate, dbnpdefine, dbregdrop

More than average

Client-Library does not provide equivalent routines.

Client-Library applications must send RPC commands to invoke the Open Server system registered procedures sp_regcreate and sp_regdrop to create and drop registered procedures.

Read and write Adaptive Server Enterprise pages

dbreadpage, dbwritepage

Do not convert

Client-Library does not support this functionality.

Two-phase commit

Two-phase commit routines

Do not convert

Client-Library does not provide equivalent routines. Instead, Client-Library supports transaction monitors to control transactions.

View the two-phase commit sample programs available in these directories:

  • $SYBASE/$SYBASE_OCS/ sample/ctlibrary on UNIX platforms

  • %SYBASE%\ %SYBASE_OCS%\sample\ ctlib on Windows