Example: Analysis of a Replication Server Error

Examines a Replication Server error message block.

Replication Server error message block:

H. 2006/06/15 20:52:28. THREAD FATAL ERROR #5049 DSI
EXEC(104(3) WESTERNDS.westDB) - dsiqmint.c(3252) The
DSI thread for database ‘WESTERNDS.westDB' is being
shutdown. DSI received data server error #102 which is
mapped to STOP_REPLICATION. See logged data server
errors for more information. The data server error was
caused by output command #1 mapped from input command
#2 of the failed transaction.
I. 2006/06/15 20:52:28. The DSI thread for database
‘WESTERNDS.westDB' is shutdown.
Analysis of the Replication Server Error Message

Error Message Text


H. 2006/06/15 20:52:28. THREAD FATAL ERROR #5049 DSI EXEC(104(3) WESTERNDS.westDB) - dsiqmint.c(3252)

This is the first error. The H identifies the error as a thread termination error. This message shows that the Data Server Interface (DSI) thread terminated.

The error message includes the dataserver.database name where the error occurred, the internal Replication Server module (dsiqmint.c), and the line of code (3252) where the error occurred.

The DSI received data server error # 102 which is mapped to STOP_REPLICATION. See the logged data server errors for more information.

This Adaptive Server error message identifies the cause of the problem.

Find a description for Adaptive Server error 102 by:
  • Finding the error in the Adaptive Server error log (the error would occur at approximately the same time as it occurred in the Replication Server error log),

  • Performing a select * from sysmessages where error = 102 in the master database, or

  • Looking up the number in the Adaptive Server Enterprise Troubleshooting and Error Messages Guide.

The Adaptive Server Enterprise Troubleshooting and Error Messages Guide describes error 102 as invalid syntax near %s for a Transact-SQL® statement. It also provides suggestions about what might be causing this error (for example, a keyword is spelled incorrectly, a keyword or parameter is missing, or the order of the keyword is incorrect). Look for additional information in the data server error log, which includes the character string for the %s field in the error message.

The data server error was caused by RS output command #1 mapped from input command #1 of the failed transaction.

This text describes the command position in a grouped transaction sent by the Replication Server.

I. 2006/06/15 20:52:28. The DSI thread for database ‘WESTERNDS.westDB' is shutdown.

This last error message is informational (I) and caused by the problem specified in a previous block. After fixing the Adaptive Server problem, restart the DSI thread for the specified database.