Checking for Error Messages in the Error Logs

Check for and resolve error messages found in the error logs before checking for failures throughout your replication system.

  1. Maintain open windows for all error logs, including:
    • Replication Server error logs (including a window for Replication Server standard error output (stderr))
    • Replication Agent logs (such as Replication Agent for DB2)
    • rs_init error log when setting up or configuring Replication Server.
    • Any data server error logs (such as Adaptive Server)
    • Any gateway error logs (such as DirectConnectâ„¢ or OmniConnectâ„¢)
  2. Scan the Replication Agent, data server, and gateway error logs to see if you can immediately find an error message that describes the cause of the error. If you find an error, see the documentation for the Replication Agent, data server, or gateway to solve the problem.
  3. Scan the rs_init, Adaptive Server (for RepAgent error messages), and Replication Server error logs for error messages.
    • When you find an error, search for the error message in the Replication Server Troubleshooting Guide, and apply the documented workaround.
    • If you cannot find the error message, look in one of these error message text files in the $SYBASE/$SYBASE_REP/doc directory on UNIX platforms or the %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_REP%\doc directory on Windows:
      • error_messages_rs for Replication Server error messages
      • error_messages_subcmp for rs_subcmp error messages

      These text files contain the text of the error message, a brief description of the error, its cause, and, sometimes, how to fix it.

Related concepts
Common Error Messages