Setting Client-Library context properties

firstapp.c calls ct_config to set the CS_MAX_CONNECT context property. This property specifies the maximum number of connections for a context.

Client-Library context properties serve one of two purposes:

For a complete list of Client-Library context properties, see the “Properties” topics page in the Open Client Client-Library/C Reference Manual.

Applications that are not multithreaded can call ct_config to change a context’s properties at any time during the program’s execution. Multithreaded applications must set context properties in single-threaded, start-up code or limit all access to a context and its child connections to a single thread. See the “Multithreaded Programming” topics page in the Open Client Client-Library/C Reference Manual.

When an application calls ct_config to change a context property, property values for existing connections do not change, but connections allocated after the ct_config call will pick up the new property values.