Auxiliary open server application

An auxiliary Open Server application can support Adaptive Server Enterprise by processing RPCs:

The client connects directly to Adaptive Server Enterprise and uses Transact-SQL for its language requests. To execute a registered procedure on the Open Server application, the client prefixes the procedure name with the name of the Open Server application in the Transact-SQL statement, which causes Adaptive Server Enterprise to initiate an RPC. For example, this client statement causes the procedure “print_calls” to be executed on the Open Server application named “OpnSrv211”:

exec OpnSrv211...print_calls

An RPC is the only type of client command that can be sent to an Open Server application directly from an Adaptive Server Enterprise. You can initiate the RPC calls by using stored procedures, triggers, or threshold management in Adaptive Server Enterprise. RPCs give you access to:

The Open Server application can return information to the Adaptive Server Enterprise, or back to the client through Adaptive Server Enterprise.

Using server-to-server RPCs, an Open Server application can perform specialized calculations, provide access to real-time data, and permit Adaptive Server Enterprise to access services such as electronic mail.