Basic Open Server program

This code illustrates the basic framework of an Open Server application program:

 **    This program demonstrates the minimum steps necessary 
 **    to initialize and start up an Open Server application. 
 **    No user-defined event handlers are installed, therefore
 **    the default handlers will execute instead. 
 ** Include the required Open Server header files.
 **    ospublic.h: Public Open Server structures, typedefs,
 **    defines, and function prototypes.
 **    oserror.h:   Open Server error number #defines. This header
 **    file is only required if the Open Server application wants
 **    to detect specific errors inside the Open Server error
 **    handler.
#include        <ospublic.h>
 #include        <oserror.h>
 **    Include the operating system specific header files required
 **    by this Open Server application.
 #include        <stdio.h>
 ** Local defines.
 **    OS_ARGCOUNT    Expected number of command line arguments
 #define        OS_ARGCOUNT    2
 **    This Open Server application expects the following 
 **    command line arguments:
 **    servername: The name of the Open Server application.
 **    This name must exist in the interfaces file defined by
 **    the SYBASE environment variable.
 ** Returns:
 **    0        Open Server exited successfully.
 **    1        An error was detected during initialization.

 int    main(argc, argv)
 int    argc;
 char    *argv[];
     CS_CONTEXT    *cp;              /* Context structure */  
     CS_CHAR       *servername;      /* Open Server name */
     CS_CHAR       logfile[512];     /* Log file name */ 
     CS_BOOL       ok;               /* Error control flag */
     SRV_SERVER    *ssp;             /* Server control structure*/
     /* Initialization.      */
     ok = CS_TRUE;
     ** Read the command line options.  There must be one
     ** argument specifying the server name.
     if(argc != OS_ARGCOUNT)
         (CS_VOID)fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of

         (CS_VOID)fprintf(stderr, "Usage: <program> 
         <server name>\n");
     ** Initialize ‘servername' to the command line argument
     ** provided.

     servername = (CS_CHAR *)argv[1];
     ** Allocate a CS-Library context structure to define the
     ** default localization information.  Open Server 
     ** also stores global state information in this structure
     ** during initialization.
     if(cs_ctx_alloc(CS_VERSION_110, &cp) != CS_SUCCEED)
         (CS_VOID)fprintf(stderr, "%s: cs_ctx_alloc failed",
     ** Default Open Server localization information can be
     ** changed here before calling srv_version, using cs_config
     ** and cs_locale.
     ** Set the Open Server version and context information
     if(srv_version(cp, CS_VERSION_110) != CS_SUCCEED)
         ** Release the context structure already allocated.
         (CS_VOID)fprintf(stderr, "%s: srv_version failed",
     ** There is no error handler installed in this sample
     ** Open Server application.  Any errors detected by Open
     ** Server are written to the Open Server log file
     ** configured below.  A real Open Server application would
     ** install an error handler after calling srv_version, using 
     ** srv_props(SRV_S_ERRHANDLE). Then, any subsequent errors
     ** will be detected by the Open Server application code.
     ** Default Open Server global properties can be changed here
     ** before calling srv_init.  We choose just to change the
     ** default log file name to use the name of this Open
     ** Server application.
     ** Build a new Open Server log file name using ‘servername'
     (CS_VOID)sprintf(logfile, "%s.log", servername);
     ** Set the new log file name using the global SRV_S_LOGFILE
     ** property.
     if(srv_props(cp, CS_SET, SRV_S_LOGFILE, logfile,
         ** Release the context structure already allocated.
         (CS_VOID)fprintf(stderr,"%s: srv_props(SRV_S_LOGFILE)
     ** Initialize Open Server. This causes Open Server to
     ** allocate internal control structures based on the global
     ** properties set above. Open Server also looks up 
     ** the application name in the interfaces file.
     if((ssp = srv_init((SRV_CONFIG *)NULL, servername,
         ** Release the context structure already allocated
         (CS_VOID)fprintf(stderr, "%s: srv_init failed\n",
     ** Start the Open Server application running.  We don't
     ** install any event handlers in this simple example.  This
     ** causes Open Server to use the default event handlers.
     ** The call to srv_run does not return until a fatal error is
     ** detected by this Open Server application, or a SRV_STOP
     ** event is queued.  Since we haven't installed any event
     ** handlers, the only way to stop this Open Server
     ** application is to kill the operating system process in
     ** which it is running.
     if(srv_run((SRV_SERVER *)NULL) == CS_FAIL)
         (CS_VOID)fprintf(stderr, "%s: srv_run failed\n",
         ok = CS_FALSE;
     ** Release all allocated control structures and exit.
     exit(ok ? 0 : 1);