Command-line options

Table 2-1 lists alphabetically the command-line options that you can use when running an installer or uninstaller.

Table 2-1: Command-line options




Specifies to use the console interface mode, where messages during installation are displayed on the Java console and the wizard is run in console mode.Use this option with -is:javaconsole option.


Displays the Java console during installation. This has no effect on the mode in which the installer runs.

-is:javahome Java home directory

Indicates that the installer or uninstaller uses the specified JVM rather than the default. Only a version 1.4.x JVM may be specified.

-is:tempdir directory

Sets the path to the temporary directory (directory) to which the installer should write its temporary files. If the specified directory does not exist or is not a directory, the installer uses the system temp directory instead, and no error message is provided.

-log !filename

Initializes logging for the installer, where !filename is the name of a file to save the log information. If you specify “!” without a file name, the default log file name is used.

-options-template responseFileName

Automatically generates a response/options “template” type file (responseFileName) that can be used to provide user input during installation.

-options-record responseFileName

Automatically generates a response/options “record” type file responseFileName after the completion of the installation or uninstallation.

-options responseFileName

Specifies that a response/options file (responseFileName) be used to execute the installation/uninstallation, which contains command-line options, one command per line, that set specified properties for the installation. A response/options file is usually used when a silent installation is run (see the next option).


Specifies to install or uninstall the product in silent mode, where the installation/uninstallation is performed with no user interaction and the installation is "silent."Use this option with -is:javaconsole option.

-W name.subproperty name>=value

Specifies properties to the installer. This option must be used to agree to the Sybase License conditions during a silent installation. Refer to “Installing in silent mode”.

-G globalWizardProperty = “value

Sets the global wizard properties on the command line or in a responseFile. This option sets the expected response from the end user during silent installation or uninstallation. This option must include at least one argument.

The following are the globalWizardProperty=“value” options you can specify:

  • replaceExistingResponse=”yes | no | yesToAll | noToAll”

    Set this to store the end user response whether to replace a file that currently exists on their system with the one being installed.

  • replaceNewerResponse=“yes | no | yesToAll | noToAll”

    Set this to store the end user response whether to replace a file that currently exists on their system with the one being installed if the existing file is newer than the file being installed.

  • removeExistingResponse=“yes | no | yesToAll | noToAll”

    Set this to store the end user response to whether to remove a file that currently exists on their system.

  • removeModifiedResponse=“yes | no | yesToAll | noToAll”

    Set this to store the end user response whether to remove a file that has been modified since installation.

  • overwriteJVM=“yes | no | cancel”

    Set this to determine whether to overwrite “_jvm” directory, if it already exists on the target system. The JVM Resolution bean looks for the value of this property which, if set to “no” or “cancel,” prevents the directory from being overwritten.