If You Need Help

If you encounter a problem that you cannot resolve using the manuals, ask the designated person at your site to contact Technical Support.

Gather the following information prior to calling Technical Support to help resolve your problem more quickly.
  • If a problem occurs while you are trying to access remote data, execute the same script against a local table. If the problem does not exist on the local table, it is specific to Component Integration Services and you should continue through this list.

  • Find out what version of SAP ASE you are using:
    select @@version
  • Note the SQL script that reproduces the problem. Include the script that was used to create the tables.

  • Find the processing plan for your query. This is generated using set showplan. An example of this is:
    set showplan, noexec on
    select au_lname, au_fname from authors
    where au_id = 'A1374065371'

    The output for this query looks like this:

    set showplan, noexec on
    select au_lname, au_fname from authors where au_id = 'A1374065371'
    The Abstract Plan (AP) of the final query execution plan:
    ( remote_sql ) 
    To experiment with the optimizer behavior, this AP can be modified and then
    passed to the optimizer using the PLAN clause:
    PLAN '( ... )
    QUERY PLAN FOR STATEMENT 1 (at line 1).
    1 operator(s) under root
    The type of query is SELECT.
    ROOT:EMIT Operator
       |LE_REMSCANOP Operator
       |    SELECT "au_lname" , "au_fname" FROM pubs2.dbo."authors"
    WHERE "au_
       |    id" = 'A1374065371' 

    The noexec option compiles the query, but does not execute it. No subsequent commands are executed until noexec is turned off.

  • Obtain the event logging when executing the query by turning on trace flags 11201 – 11205. These trace flags log the following:
    • 11201 – client connect, disconnect, and attention events.

    • 11202 – client language, cursor declare, dynamic prepare, and dynamic execute-immediate text.

    • 11203 – client RPC events.

    • 11204 – messages routed to client.

    • 11205 – interaction with remote servers.

    • 11206 – logs file and directory processing steps.

    • 11207 – logs text and image processing.

    After executing the script with the trace flags turned on, the logging is found in the error log in the $SYBASE/install directory. For example:
    dbcc traceon (11201,11202,11203,11204,11205)
    select au_lname, au_fname from authors
    where au_id = 'A1374065371'
    dbcc traceoff (11201,11202,11203,11204,11205)
    The error log output is as follows (the timestamps printed at the beginning of each entry have been removed to improve legibility):
    server  TDS_LANG, spid 15: command text:
    select au_lname, au_fname from authors where au_id = 'A1374065371'
    server  RemoteAccess constructed
    server  EXECLANG, spid 15, server huntington0_19442, quickpass statement:
    ELECT "au_lname" , "au_fname" FROM pubs2.dbo."authors" WHERE "au_id" = 'A1374065371' 
    server  BINDCOLS, spid 15: column 1, name au_lname, fmt.type 'CHAR', fmt.maxlen 40, fmt.stat 16, con.type 'VARCHAR', con.maxlen 40
    server  BINDCOLS, spid 15: column 2, name au_fname, fmt.type 'CHAR', fmt.maxlen 20, fmt.stat 16, con.type 'VARCHAR', con.maxlen 20
    server  BINDCOLS, spid 15: bind array size 50, total memory required is 4304 bytes
    server  FETCH   , spid 15: cursor C1; ct_fetch() returned 0 rows; status -204
    server RemoteAccess deleted

    This tracing is global, so once the trace flags are turned on, any query that is executed is logged; therefore, turn tracing off once you have your log. Also, clean out the error log periodically by bringing the server down, renaming the error log, and restarting the server. This creates a new error log.