Moving Subscriptions Between Connections

Use alter subscription to move a subscription between replicate connections of the same replicate database that use the same Replication Server, without the need to rematerialize.

Execute alter subscription at the replicate Replication Server:
alter subscription sub_name
for {table_repdef|func_repdef|{{publication pub| 
database replication definition db_repdef}
with primary at primary_dataserver_name.primary_database_name}}
move replicate from ds_name.db_name 
to ds_name1.db_name1
where you are moving the subscription from the ds_name.db_name replicate connection to the ds_name1.db_name1 replicate connection.
For example, to move the sub1 subscription for the rep1 replication definition from the RDS.rdb1 connection to the RDS.rdb2 connection, enter:
alter subscription sub1 for rep1
move replicate from RDS.rdb1
to RDS.rdb2

You cannot use alter subscription if the primary Replication Server version is earlier than 1570. Instead, you must drop and re-create the subscription at the connection you want.

To move multiple subscriptions that must replicate through the same path, suspend log transfer for the primary connections and then resume log transfer after you move all the subscriptions.